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商业记者较难归类。Business writers are harder to categorise.

接下来,我必须给自己的小说分类。On the next screen, I have to categorise my novel.

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一部分困难恰恰在于很难对他加以归类。Part of the difficulty is that he is so hard to categorise.

用强大的数据手机工具手机分类数据。Collect categorise data using powerful data collection tool.

我们是否应该对故意传播HI作为谋杀犯罪进行分类?Should we categorise people who intentionally spread HI as murderers?

中国与众不同的发展模式从来都不易归类。China’s idiosyncratic pattern of development is never easy to categorise.

我喜欢现代的高尔夫球场,但我不愿意分门别类的热门。I enjoy our modern golf courses, but I would be reluctant to categorise any favourites.

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至于费尔南多,人们总是喜欢将你归档,分类,作比较。As for Fernando, people like to put you in pigeonholes, to categorise you, to compare you.

那是一个符号系统是我们能将本质上不明确的现象加以分类。It's a system of signs that enables us to categorise phenomena that are essentially ambiguous.

这可以让您分类您的项目,并能够获得所需要的项目尽快。This allows you to categorise your items and be able to access the needed item as fast as possible.

把新邮件放入文件夹,这样午饭后就可以埋头工作了。Categorise your new emails into folders so that you can get stuck into working through them after lunch.

他认为哲学的任务就是揭露人类如何理解这个世界或对这个世界加以分类的。He thought that the role of philosophy was to uncover how human beings understand or categorise the world.

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在进行真实性评价时,可根据分界点以上范围内存在偏倚的危险度对研究加以分类。Assessments of validity would then categorise studies by the risk of bias within the range above the inclusion cut-point.

另外,超市会把货物以不同方式进行分类,因此烤面饼可能不会与面包同列,而是与印度的即食食品放在一起。And supermarkets may categorise things in different ways, so chapatis may not be with breads, but with ready-meals of the Indian variety.

一些定义意图给设计一个明确的界限,去解释设计到底如何不同于或者相联系于其他活动,而其他人则致力于完成好的设计。Some aim to categorise design, to explain how it is different from or related to other activities, while others try to inspire good design.

几十年来,学术界试图对企业家进行分类,以洞察他们的动机与成功的可能性。Academics have tried over the decades to categorise entrepreneurs, so as to provide insight into their motivations and likelihood of success.

体育的分类体系中引入“职业运动”这一术语对正确认识体育的内涵,将产生较大帮助。Introduce this noun of sport of the job to the correct intension which realizes sports in the categorise system of sports, will produce and help greatly.

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我方需要对所有客户进行分类,并根据贵方提供的信息将贵方归入零售客户类。We are required to categorise all of our clients and, on the basis of the information you have provided to us, we have categorised you as a Retail Client.

只要印度拥有具备强大威慑力的核武器,那么有必要把核武器列入非战略资产吗?As long as India have nukes which give strong deterrence value to our overall defence response then what is the need to categorise them as non-strategic assets?

该实验结果,更多的是向心理学家们表明了婴儿天生就具有能区分仅些许差别声音的技能。This findings, and more like it, suggests to many psychologists that infants are born with skills which enable them to categorise sounds that only slightly vary.