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侧壁通常不具胼胝质。But the side walls usually lacked callose.

生殖细胞壁为胼胝质成分。The wall of the generative cell contains callose.

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胼胝质的染剂是苯胺蓝,间苯二酚蓝和玫红酸。Callose stains are aniline blue, resorcin blue and rosolic acid.

不亲和的花粉管首先是被果胶质堵塞,接着是胼胝质沉积。Incompatible pollen is blocked initially by pectins followed by callose deposition.

禾本科植物的花粉管在柱头的表面被果胶质和胼胝质堵塞。In the grasses the pollen tube is blocked at the stigma surface with pectins and callose.

简要阐述了花粉管胼胝质和酚类含量在硼胁迫时的异常表现。Abnormalities of the content and distribution of callose and phenolics are also mentioned.

观察认为胼低质累积有利于花粉母细胞及小孢子的散开。The accumulation of callose was benefit to dispersion of pollen mother cells and microspores.

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皮层细胞中有大量木质素、木栓质以及胼胝质的积累。Ligni, spile and callose accumulated significantly in cells of cortex after treatment with BTH or Harpin.

二倍体功能大孢子的合点端细胞壁内的胼胝质荧光消失。As development goes on, callose fluorescence disappears in the chalazal wall of diplosporous functional megaspore.

二倍体功能大孢子的合点端细胞壁内的胼胝质荧光消失。As development goes on, callose fluorescence disappears in the chalazal wall of diplosporous functional megaspore.

此外,本文还讨论了大孢子母细胞减数分裂与细胞壁内沉积胼胝质之间的相关性。In addition, correlations between the meiosis and callose deposition in the wall of megasporocyte have been discussed.

导致小孢子败育的原因与四分体胼胝质壁不适时解体和绒毡层细胞发育异常、延迟解体有关。The abnormality of tetrad callose wall degradation and tapetum development was associated with the abortion of microspore.

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研究发现,在雌雄配子体发生过程中,胼胝质的动态基本相一致。This study revealed that the callose synthesis is similar in male & female-gametophyte in the course of sexual cell development.

上述现象可能与注入离子的过壁运输有关,也可能与胼胝质的积累有关。These phenomena may be related to the conveyance of implanted ions across cell wall, or be related to the accumulation of callose.

即使父本花粉管进入母本柱头,因生长缓慢,沉积胼胝质,在花柱中受抑制而停止生长。Secondly, if pollen tubes entered into stigma, growth was retarded with callose plug deposition, then they stopped to grow because of inhibition.

单核胚囊形成后,其细胞壁内无胼胝质荧光,而退化的大孢子细胞壁胼胝质荧光显著。No callose fluorescence shows in the wall of mononuclear embryo sac after its formation, while thick callose deposits in the wall of the degenerative megaspore.

自交亲和系萝卜单株花期、蕾期以及自交不亲和系单株蕾期授粉后花粉多数能够正常萌发并穿越柱头进入子房。Few pollen grains of open flower self-pollination attached and germinated in the stigma of self-incompatible individuals, and intensive callose reaction occurred on the surface of stigma.

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此外,在成熟筛板的筛孔周围都衬有很厚的胼胝质,并为一些电子不透明的P—蛋白质所堵塞,这种现象可能是由于制备样品过程中对韧皮部损伤而引起的损伤反应。Sieve area pores of mature sieve elements are lined with the thicker callose and plugged with the electron-opaque P-protein, which may be the response to wounding on the phloem in preparing samples.

紧接著,减数分裂后,胼胝质由外向内瓦解并释出四颗未成熟小孢子,显示其细胞质分裂可能为同时型和连续型的混和。Subsequently, after meiosis, the callose decayed centripetally and released four immature microspores and this phenomena suggested the types of cytokinesis the mixture of simultaneous and successes.

结果发现,黑麦花药中胼胝质的合成最早出现在造孢细胞晚期,并首先在小孢子囊中央的造孢细胞中沉积,随后向小孢子囊两端的细胞扩展。It was found that the callose component initially occurred at late sporogenous cells stage in the cells located in center of microsporangium, and late extended towards the cells lying at its two ends.