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做供养以对抗吝啬。Make offerings to go against stinginess.

我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。We must not equate thrift with stinginess.

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一名弟子向他抱怨妻子小气。One of his adherents complained of the stinginess of his wife.

在墨西哥的许多地方,手肘意味着吝啬。In many parts South of the border, the elbow is linked to stinginess.

不能免于悭啬,却做布施之行,是为表面。It is superficial to act generously without being free from stinginess.

八国集团这一次真的要承认自己吝啬了?Is it really the case that the G8 is prepared to admit to its own stinginess?

每顿饭给你身体它要求的而不要去评价或吝啬。At each meal, feed your body what it requests, without judgment or stinginess.

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我们拥有的只是西蒙·芬奇,一个来自康沃尔郡,兼做皮货生意的江湖郎中,只有吝啬能战胜他的虔诚。All we had was Simon Finch, a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceeded only by his stinginess.

这些教师对失主显而易见的吝啬感到愤慨,于是他们就主动为那男孩募捐。Outraged at the apparent stinginess of the person who lost the cash, these teachers took up a collection for the boy.

在墨西哥的许多地方,手肘意味着吝啬。如果你想强调一下,可以将手肘在桌子上敲打。在澳大利亚和德国,这个手势的意思是“你是个傻瓜!”In many parts South of the border, the elbow is linked to stinginess. For extra emphasis, you can bang your elbow on the table.