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1912年任法典编纂会纂修。Codification will be appointed in 1912 Compilation.

法典编纂是法律文化和法学的最高贡献。Codification is the highest contribution of jurisprudence.

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法的编纂表现为法的系统化的最高形态。Codification is the highest form of legal systematization.

中国民法法典化的脚步己不可阻遏地向前行进。The Codification of China's civil law is right on its way unconversably.

编纂现代银行,公司,共同基金,保险和信讬法。Codification of modern banking, company, mutual fund, insurance and trust laws.

模式实现是在工具中对模式的代码实现和自动化。A pattern implementation is the codification and automation of a pattern in tooling.

编码化和人物化是两种相对的知识管理模式。The codification and personalization are two opposite modes of the knowledge management.

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因此,民法的法典化规划将是一个旷日持久的过程。Hence, the Codification system is a process which will last for a long time in civil law.

给出了数字流域模型的河网编码中若干具体问题的算法。Some detailed arithmetics of the codification method in the DWM is presented in an appendix.

现在,我们能够对该次法典编纂之是非做出我们正确的评价。Now we can give a proper evaluation to the right and wrong of this codification above-mentioned.

零件分类编码是实现派生式或创成式CAPP的核心内容。The part classified codification is a core element to achieve derivative CAPP or generated CAPP.

中国民法典的编纂工作已经全面启动,婚姻家庭制度将作为其中的一编。The codification of Civil Law Code in our country has boot up, marriage and family system is a copy in it.

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民法典的编纂,在我国民法学界引发了人格权立法体例之争。Codification of civil law results in a debate about the legislative mode of personal rights in our civil law.

奥林匹克宪章是国际奥委会制定的基本原则、规则和附则的汇总。The Olympic Charter is the codification of the Fundamental Principles, Rules and Bye-laws adopted by the IOC.

最后本文尝试性地对中国民法法典化的必要和可能做了一个简单的论述。Finally, trying to discuss the necessity and possibility of the Codification of the Chinese Civil Law briefly.

否认行政法的法典化的观点在理论和实践上都是没有依据的。The view of disaffirmation of the codification of administrative law is ungrounded theoretically and practically.

联合禁止注册与在先使用人的商标之相似商标主要源自习惯法的法典化。The federal bar against registration of a mark resembling that of a prior user is primarily a codification of common law.

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法律法典化问题近年来一直是我国法律生活中比较热门的话题。The question of legal codification has been a hotter topic in the legal life of our country all the time in recent years.

现代民法典编纂运动尝试接纳知识产权制度,但至今尚无成功的立法例。The current movement of civil legal codification has tried to include intellectual property law in it, but has not succeeded yet.

这与当代国际私法立法法典化的潮流不相适应,也与我国国际私法自身理论与实践的发展格格不入。It does not adapt to the contemporary legislative codification trend of private international law, but to our own theory and practice.