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雅虎首席执行官杨致远及其治理团队现在面临更大的压力。Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and its management group are faced with Yahoo now greater pressure.

而马化腾不仅仅是公司的首席执行官,更是公司的第一产品经理。And the presiding apparitor that Ma Huateng is a company not just, it is the manager of the first product of the company more.

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时代华纳首席执行官杰夫·比克斯说,公司计划将今后的投资重心放在娱乐和出版发行业务上。Times China pay is chief Bikesi says apparitor Jeff · , company plan puts the investment focus henceforth in recreation to mix publish business to go up.

微软去年曾向雅虎提出高价收购方案,结果遭到时任雅虎首席执行官杨致远拒绝。Microsoft ever put forward to buy program at high price to Yahoo last year, presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan rejects the Ren Yahu when the result suffers.

百度董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏表示,危机爆发以来,很多客户在消费上更加谨慎。Baidu president holds presiding apparitor concurrently plum Yan Hong expresses, since the crisis erupts , a lot of clients are more careful on consumption.

雅虎在杨致远黯然离职两个月后终于宣布,任命60岁的卡罗尔·巴茨女士为公司首席执行官。Yahoo leaves his post cloudily in Yang Zhiyuan announce eventually after two months, appoint Ms. Kaluoer Baci of 60 years old to be company presiding apparitor.

刘允来自SK电讯,此前六年,他一直出任SK电讯中国区首席执行官及总裁。Liu Yun comes from SK telecommunications, before this 6 years, he takes up the post of area of SK telecommunications China all the time presiding apparitor and president.

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腾讯主席兼首席执行官马化腾昨日表示,公司正积极物色收购目标,包括游戏开发及运营商。Tecent chairman holds presiding apparitor Ma Huateng concurrently to express yesterday, company active choose buys an end, include game development and operation business.

雅虎首席执行官杨致远和现在的董事会已表示愿意以先前拒绝的每股33美元的价格达成协议。Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and current board of directors already expressed Yahoo be willing to come to an agreement with the price of every 33 dollars that decline before.

百度公司董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏表示,公司对这一突如其来的噩耗感到震动和悲悼。Baidu company president holds presiding apparitor concurrently plum Yan Hong expresses, the sad news of the death to this one arise suddenly feels the company to astonish and deplore.