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数字格式相当琐碎。Number formatting is rather trivial.

添加预先创建的样式和格式Adding pre-created styles and formatting

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下面是一个有用的格式化应用程序。Here's a useful application of formatting.

导入优化和代码格式化。Imports optimizations and code formatting.

我排除了表格式以避免混乱。I excluded table formatting to avoid clutter.

将下标格式应用于所选的文字。Apply subscript formatting to the selected text.

这些方法解决了许多格式化问题。These methods take care of many formatting issues.

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设计师将协助格式和段落。Designer will assist in formatting and paragraphing.

数据或内容,按照原始格式返回,没有进行格式化。Data, or content, is returned raw, without formatting.

自2007年起,宋昱霖开始创作“格式化”系列作品。Since 2007, Song Yulin has created her Formatting Series.

第二行对选择的内容应用粗体格式。The second line applies bold formatting to the selection.

格式方面需要了解的差不多就是这么多了。OK, that’s most of what you need to know about formatting.

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分区就是硬盘格式化过程中的空间划分。Partitions are divisions in the formatting of the hard disk.

参数提供特定文化特性的格式资讯。A parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information.

格式化或重新格式化硬盘驱动器通常非常耗时。Formatting or reformatting hard drives is often time-consuming.

自己找一本格式编排的书,然后反复研读。Get yourself a formatting book and read it over-and-over again.

这段代码将粗体格式应用到当前选中的范围。This code applies bold formatting to the currently select range.

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选项参数为MRTG提供格式化的图像信息。Options parameters provide MRTG with graph formatting information.

使用某种格式打印每个行以显示联系人细节。Print each row with some formatting to display the contact details.

它说明了格式如何延续到下一个段落。It shows how the formatting gets carried down to the next paragraph.