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多难看的杂种狗哇!What an ugly mutt !

一年以前,一只混血狗实现了我的一个愿望。A year ago, a mutt helped me fulfill one of my dreams.

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把那东西弄开那只难看的杂种狗打过疫苗么?。Get that thing away. Has that ugly mutt had its shots?

这不仅因为邮差员们喜欢这条邮差狗,也因为它有一种带来好运的魅力。That's not just because mail clerks liked the little mutt. He was also a good-luck charm.

“它是我的看门犬”,她开玩笑地说,尽管这个小东西不怎么爱咬爱叫。"He's my guard dog," she jokes, even though the tiny mutt hasn't shown much bark or bite.

对于那些标新立异的宠物爱好者来说,养猫养狗可能已经过于平淡无奇,早过时了。There are those pet-lovers for whom a cat is too conventional and a mutt simply too mundane.

伴随着奇怪音乐的滑稽的视频里,可以看到小狗在神奇又傻傻地用劲蹬车。Bizarre video footage set to creepy music shows the miraculous mutt riding the vehicle with its legs.

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大街小巷随处可见你的身影,你对生活并没有太高的要求,但你是那么的平民化和受欢迎。Also known as an alley cat or a mutt. You aren't given to highfalutin' ways, but you're accessible and popular.

在我很小的时候,我记得我们家有一只名叫“黑妞”的令人抓狂的狼狗——是狼和猎犬杂交的后代。When I was very young I remember that we had this crazy mutt of a dog named "Black Girl, " a mix of wolf and retriever.

照看爸爸那条淌口水的杂种狗,只是要教我养成责任感,而我却终生受益。Taking care of Dad's slobbering mutt was supposed to teach me responsibility. Instead, I learned the lesson of a lifetime.

人造宇航员和一只名为兹多奇卡的杂交狗分享这个小太空舱,小狗被安全从太空带回。The faux astronaut shared the small capsule with a mutt named Zvezdochka, or Little Star, which made it back from space safely.

这么说吧,如果一切安好、大伙儿也都认可你是个“正常人”,那么但凡碰到条笨狗你就会有兴趣爱抚一下。In other words, if nothing goes wrong and you are, by all accounts, normal, you’d be interested in petting any mutt that crosses your path.