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我们哀悼它的消失。We lament its loss.

蒸发器热损失少。The heat loss is less.

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短期失忆症。Short-term memory loss.

这能减少水发的散水。This reduces water loss.

当然,没去达沃斯是我的损失。Of course, it is my loss.

掉发是如何诊断的?How is hair loss diagnosed?

对双方而言是双输局面。It's a loss for both sides.

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宁可亏损,不贪便宜。Prefer loss to unjust gain.

迈克尔-杰克逊的去世。The loss of Michael Jackson.

我便跑得茫然无措。Then I am running at a loss.

他亏本出售商店。He selled the shop at a loss.

这项损失使老人身心交瘁。The loss broke up the old man.

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销售那些鞋子使我们折了本。We made a loss on those shoes.

在这时刻我感到茫然无措。In that moment I felt such loss.

我们对他的损失深表同情。We condole with him on his loss.

艾瘦减肥茶我就买过。Ai thin weight loss tea I bought.

失明?像水晶一样洁净!Loss of vision? Clear as crystal!

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在警署报失。Reporting loss at police station.

对于老板,试着不要反应过度。Try not to overreact to the loss.

另一个损失在前甲板上!Another loss is on the forecastle!