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只是你们从早起来,就在一切事上败坏自己。But they were still eager to act corruptly in all they did.

小人因为想荣华富贵,所以贪得到无厌。Because the villain thinks the nabobism, therefore obtains corruptly not tires.

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虽然约坦对主忠贞,犹大国的人民「仍然行为败坏」。Though Jotham was loyal to the Lord, the people of Judah "still acted corruptly ".

巴菲特投资有一个特点,那就是始终能坚持“反贪”。Buffett invests has a characteristic, that is can insist throughout " counter- corruptly".

指示还削弱了“不道德地”的含义以致于无罪的行为亦被涵盖。The instructions also diluted the meaning of "corruptly" so that it covered innocent conduct.

我沉浸在他宽阔的肩膀轻抚他的唇。近乎贪贪婪的看他的唇。I immerse in his broad shoulder caress his lip lightly. Approaches corruptly greedy looks at his lip.

对于这样的不知情的行为,有关“不道德”的指示未做任何限制。With regard to such in no cent conduct, the "corruptly" instructions did no limiting work whatsoever.

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前总统被指控腐败地占据了沙姆沙伊赫度假村的一栋官邸和四座别墅。The former president is accused of corruptly acquiring a palace and four villas in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

国家新兴中坚份子也腐败成性地虏去了更多的独立胜利果实,并让外国投资商变得更加心惊胆寒。A new elite corruptly took an ever greater share of the fruits of independence and outside investors became ever warier.

此时,雷曼曾有的谨慎的风险控制系统,在一再追逐盈利和市场份额的贪念中被推到一边。This time, Leiman once some discrete risk control system, one side pursues the profit and the market share repeatedly reads corruptly is advanced.

我们向你所行的甚是邪恶,没有遵守你藉着仆人,摩西所吩咐的诫命,律例,典章。We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, which thou commandedst thy servant Moses.

去年,尽管他信已流亡海外,但曼谷一家法庭仍判定他在担任总理期间犯有腐败罪,判处他两年监禁。Last year, while he was in self-imposed exile, a Bangkok court convicted him on a charge of acting corruptly during his premiership, and sentenced him to two years in prison.

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穆巴拉克和已经逃离埃及的一名商人还被指控以低于市场的价格向以色列出售天然气,导致埃及损失了数百万美元的潜在收入。Hosni Mubarak and a businessman who's since fled the country are also accused of corruptly selling cut-price gas to Israel, losing Egypt millions of dollars in potential revenue.

任何人明知地使用威胁、暴力、恐吓或不道德地劝说他人,或企图这么做,或做出误导他人的行为。Whoever knowingly uses intimidation or physical force, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person.

帕累托认为,这30个受益人都会有强烈的动机,去游说、影响、甚至行贿“购买“政治家的投票,以通过这项利益重分配法案。Pareto suggested that the 30 recipients will jointly have a strong incentive to lobby, influence, and even corruptly “buy” the votes of the politicians able to pass this redistributive legislation.