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但是,之后,奥运会的整个过程一如爱德华的操场一般平静。But then the Games went off as peacefully as an Edwardian field day.

到多伦多访问卡萨罗马城堡就似回到了爱德华七世时代。A visit to Toronto's Grand Castle Estate is like setting back into the Edwardian Era.

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这一令人兴奋的设计代表,已故维多利亚和爱德华七世时代的典雅风格。This exciting design represents the elegant style of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras.

我在欧洲游荡,好像爱德华时代在做大游历的年轻人,这是为了什么呢?What am I doing swanning around Europe as if I am some young Edwardian doing the Grand Tour?

她的服装把妇女从爱德华时代压抑的紧身衣裙中解放出来。Her clothes liberated women from the constricting corsets and tight skirts of the Edwardian Era.

所有完成的工作结果是一个值得吹嘘的空间,不论这套房子是维多利亚的还是爱德华的。The result of all the work done is a space worth bragging about, whether the home is Edwardian or Victorian.

这里的海滩沙质松软,生活节奏弛缓,建筑是爱得华七世时期的风格。The beach here is soft and sandy, the pace sedate, and architecture Edwardian. Oulton Broad laps at Lowstoft's heels.

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在维多利亚和爱德华七世时代的年龄,一名寡妇,预计磨损的几个阶段莫宁着装至少两年。During the Victorian and Edwardian ages, a widow was expected to wear several stages of mourning dress for at least two years.

女士摆脱了爱德华时期式的重重紧身衣束缚,裙摆首次惹人注目地缩短了。Women threw off the shackles of the heavily-corseted Edwardian period and hemlines became dramatically shorter for the first time.

整座大楼的建筑属英皇爱德华时期的古典风格,弧形阳台有希腊式巨柱承托。Being a typical Edwardian Classical building, this four-storey building has the facade surrounded by the Greek-style granite columns.

尽管住宅小区和市中心的公寓楼越来越多,但典型的英国家庭住宅仍是爱德华七世时期的那种带有三个卧室的独立小屋。Despite the boom in housing estates and city centre apartments blocks, the average home remains an Edwardian three-bed detached property.

夏尔冯特家族第十代公爵的母亲是英国夏尔冯特公爵七世的女儿,和意大利歌剧演员私奔。In Edwardian England, Louis Mazzini is the son of a woman ostracised by her aristocratic family for eloping with an Italian opera singer.

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翻修后的后部建筑更加透明和开敞,与原来爱德华七世时代含蓄的室内风格以及深色而阴暗的中央走道形成鲜明对比。The transparency and openness of the new part is a deliberate counterpoint to the introverted Edwardian house with its dark central corridor.

专家说,天玺钻石项链的设计是在一段时间内的爱德华创建时的项链饰品的例子。Experts say the design of the Cullinan Diamond Necklace is an example of the jewelry of the Edwardian time period when the necklace was created.

然后乔治,前维多利亚时代,爱德华七世时代后启,被认为是英国工业革命和大英帝国的高峰期结束。Then George, the former Victorian era, Edwardian era of post-Kai, is considered the British Industrial Revolution and the peak end of the British Empire.

大蓝蝶是蝴蝶标本收集者的挚爱,尤其是在维多利来女王与爱德华国王时代,当采集蝴蝶标本是一种流行的爱好时。The Large Blue was avidly hunted by butterfly collectors, especially during the Victorian and Edwardian eras when butterfly collecting was a popular pastime.

爱德华时装全盛时代确切的说从梅菲开始,据说是战后为回应美国风格始于萨维尔街的。The full Edwardian fashion actually started in Mayfair. It was said to have been launched from Savile Row soon after the war as an answer to American styles.

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今天,这一悲剧家庭位于诺丁汉曼斯菲尔德的破旧的爱德华七世时代的封闭阳台式的房子已经被警方封锁,附近的邻居们对这悲剧表示了自己的震惊。Neighbours spoke of their shock today at the tragedy in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, where the family's rundown Edwardian terrace house was sealed off by police.

家庭报纸说道,爱德华七世时代的标准允许我们召回充满爱的行动,但这个令人惊奇的行动如何保证资金回收?And speaking of family newspapers, how about a money-back guarantee on that wonderful activity that our Edwardian standards allow us to call the ultimate act of love?

漫步市中心,可见典雅的维多利亚式和爱德华式拱廊商场,小巧玲珑的精品屋和特色商店与现代化商厦和高档商业街平分秋色。Elegant Victorian and Edwardian arcades, small boutiques and speciality shops sit alongside modern malls and high street names – all in the pedestrianised city centre.