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我喜欢冰柠檬茶。I love iced lemon tea.

他的话给她的热情浇了一盆冷水。His words iced her passion.

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挡风玻璃被冰层覆盖。The windshield has iced up.

我要一杯冰红茶,谢谢。I'd like an iced tea, thanks.

从冰地球的冬夜。Winter Nights from Iced Earth.

你要不要来点冰红茶?NO08, Do you want some iced tea?

请给我一杯冰红茶。May I have some iced tea, please?

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我想要一杯柠檬茶,加冰。I'd like some iced tea with lemon.

你怎么能把奶油涂这么匀呢?How did you get them iced so evenly?

机翼上结了一层冰。The wings of the plane have iced up.

要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea.

飞机的两翼已覆有冰。The wings of the aircraft has iced up.

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那个港口一到冬季就会封冻。That port is iced in during the winter.

现在来一杯冰红茶听起来棒极了。An iced tea sounds good to me right now.

那个流氓说他杀掉了那个女人。The hooligan said he had iced the woman.

加入适量冰水,混合成一个面团。Add enough iced water to mix it to a dough.

高玻璃杯中的冰茶在热气中凝出水珠tall glasses of iced tea beading in the heat

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在夏季,好多美国人喝“冰茶”。In summer, many Americans drink “ iced tea ”.

她喝了一杯冰茶来让自己精神起来。He refreshed himself with a glass of iced tea.

他大口大口地喝冰茶以解渴。He swigged the iced tea to relieve his thirst.