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并开展婚前、婚后追踪服务,收到良好社会效益。The antemarital and postnuptial scout service were developed to acquire the good social effect.

按规定,婚检结果要告知男女双方,可避免“知情不报”情况发生。As a rule, antemarital examination results to inform both men and women can avoid the "failure" to happen.

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当他们去街道进行婚检时,杨玲和男友都被查出感染了艾滋病毒。When they go to the streets for antemarital examination, Yang Ling and her boyfriend were found infected with HIV.

日前关于婚检比例下降的报道引起社会关注。A few days ago on the decline in the proportion of antemarital examination reports have caused concern in the community.

也就是说,大部分患者是在婚检、手术前、孕前或者献血时意外被检测出来的。In other words, the majority of patients in the antemarital examination, pre-operative, pre-pregnancy, or when blood was detected by accident.

做好婚检和产检的筛查工作是预防海洋性贫血、G6PD缺陷症及两病并患的根本措施。Concrete screening of antemarital physical examination and prenatal examination is essential measure to prevent thalassemias and G6PD difficiency or both.

该县自1994年实施婚前医学检查以来,就将精神疾病、心理障碍及遗传疾病列为重点项目。Since 1994, the antemarital medicine examination was carried out in Changdao County, the lunacy , psychology obstruction and descendiblity diseases had been important items.

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我国取消强制婚检后婚检率急剧下降,第一道防线“失守”带来诸多问题。" Antemarital examination in China after the abolition of compulsory antemarital examination rates are falling sharply, and the first line of defense "lost" a lot of issues.

然而,如此不幸,仅仅是源于患有乙肝的妈妈阿珍对产检婚检忽视,没有给孩子进行正常的免疫注射。However, so unfortunately, is only suffering from hepatitis B from mother Jane antemarital examination of the prosecution ignored the middle class, not to engage in normal children's immunization.

俞振信说,他要奉劝大家,在领结婚证前,千万要婚检,“这是对自己负责,也是对对方和社会负责。”" Yu said the letter, he advised us to, get in before the marriage certificate, must antemarital examination, "This is in charge of their own, on the other side and is also responsible for the social.