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福岛核事故终结了核能复兴时代?Fukushima Killed the Nuclear Renaissance.

韩国与福岛并不在同一片海域。South Korea does not share a sea with Fukushima.

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他们担心来自福岛的潜在风险。They worry about a possible risk from Fukushima.

福岛县的反应器在1970年代早期建成。The Fukushima reactors were built in the early 1970s.

原子弹爆炸和福岛核泄漏危机关联甚少Little Connection Between Bombings And Fukushima Disaster

日本政府证实福岛核能发电厂辐射线已外漏!Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants.

除福岛县及茨城县外,级别接近正常值。Other than in Fukushima and Ibaraki, levels are not far from normal.

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我们看到,它存在于那些在福田冒着生命危险的反应者身上。We see it in the responders who are risking their lives at Fukushima.

盘成郡燃烧中的建筑,福岛县的沿海城镇。Buildings burned in Iwaki city, a coastal town in Fukushima prefecture.

福岛第一核电站的反应堆都是沸水反应堆。The reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are boiling- water reactors.

前福岛事故,有54国运作的核反应堆。Prior to the Fukushima accident, the country had 54 functioning reactors.

福岛第一厂已致力于乏燃料棒的七个池。The Fukushima Daiichi plant has seven pools dedicated to spent fuel rods.

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福岛县南相马市长樱井胜延17日在电话里如是说。Fukushima Mayor Ma Nan Sakurai wins extension phase, 17, says on the phone.

海啸袭击日本的宫城县和福岛县,官员说。Tsunami waves hit Japan's Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, officials said.

福岛县已经禁止了这些高辐射地区蘑菇上市和食用。Fukushima has banned these high-radiation areas listed mushrooms and edible.

它涵盖的岩手县,宫城县和福岛县太平洋沿岸地区。It covered Pacific coastal areas of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures.

非常感谢您不久前专程前来福岛县看望我们。Thank you for making a special trip to come and see us in Fukushima Prefecture.

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此外,清水正孝还会在福岛与媒体做一个简短见面。In addition, the water Masataka Fukushima and media will also be a brief meeting.

但是冷却系统使福岛的许多核反应堆发生了故障。But the cooling systems malfunctioned in numerous reactors at the Fukushima plant.

福岛核电站的核废料池也同样存在威胁。The storage pools for radioactive spent fuel at Fukushima have also posed a threat.