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在漂白粉与洗涤剂的溶液中搅拌衣服。Slosh clothes in a solution of bleach and detergent.

晃动问题在后面的章节中将详细地解释。The slosh problem is examined in detail in latter chapters.

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晃动从后面轮胎的自行车,我会去的权利,在他的脸上!Slosh from the back tire of my bike would go right in his face!

主要作用是提高基本的晃动频率。The main effect is to raise the fundamental slosh mode frequency.

晃动浇筑是不可能在这些温暖天气,我发现。Slosh pouring isn't possible in these warm temperatures I have found.

把热水放在口中,用你的两颊的肌肉进行搅动,可除去细菌。To remove bacteria, slosh hot water around your mouth with your cheek muscles.

海水会从跟极移相反的方向冲刷泼溅着附近的陆地。Thus the waters slosh over the nearby land, in the direction opposite to the shift.

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常用的增加液体晃动阻尼的措施是在推进剂储箱内安装防晃挡板。For this purporse, the slosh damping of the liquid in the container has to be increased.

以油罐车为背景,研究平放柱箱液体晃动的模态响应。The modal response of liquid slosh in horizontally cylindrical container was investigated.

升降斜台合理的设计使车架进入蒸柜时,既轻力又不会跳动。The reasonable designed of the lifting lamp can make the steam car enter the Steam-cabinet will not slosh.

罗宾逊在泥泞的小路上前行,他的靴子边满是蕨类植物和北美刺人参。As his boots slosh up a soggy trail fringed with ferns and devil's club, Robinson scans for movement. No bears.

以及要求人们不要站在马桶座圈上排便,也不要用水瓶把水溅在自己身上。Include orders not to stand on top of thetoilet seat and defaecate, then use water bottles to slosh on oneself.

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“飞机副油箱晃振试验设备”是飞机副油箱环境试验的关键设备之一。"Slosh and Vibration testing system for airplaner's sub-tank"is one of the key facilities in environmental testing.

由于冰块比海水轻,就浮在了水面上,在海水泼溅期间它们可能会到达内陆。And as icebergs are lighter than the seawater, and float atop the water, they might arrive inland during a large tidal slosh.

大连管道爆炸,石油泄漏两天后,7月18日,大量泄漏原油漂浮于黄海海域。Oil-covered Yellow Sea waters slosh on July 18, two days after the pipeline explosion that spawned the Dalian, China, oil spill.

针对立式钢制储罐抗震计算的模型简化问题,将储罐简化为三质点体系,即晃动质点、液固耦合质点、刚性脉冲质点。The storage tank is simplified into three particle system, including slosh particle, liquid-solid coupling particle and rigidity pulse particle.

由暖水形成的并不算汹涌的巨浪从印度尼西亚横跨太平洋涌向南美,维持着高于正常值的海面温度。The above-normal sea surface temperatures are maintained by gentle but giant waves of warm water that slosh across the Pacific from Indonesia toward South America.

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因此由于地球被严重推向北,太平洋的海水将向南扑去,大西洋的海水将向相反方向移动,向北。Thus as the globe is pushed violently northward, the waters in the Pacific will slosh southward, and waters in the Atlantic will slosh in the opposite direction, northward.

如果最初的极移晃动出现在法国的海岸线上,你怎么会觉得水会被迫从多个方向对法国南部产生挤压?If the initial pole shift slosh will create a pinch at the coastline of France, what do you suppose water being forced over southern France from more than one direction would produce?