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在上面的玫瑰之下。neath roses above.

浴着她的巴拿马月光。Neath her Panamanian moon.

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远在地壳之下。Far ' neath the earth crust.

头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩。Neath the halo of a street lamp.

当他慢慢尼思卷曲他的椅子。As he coiled slowly neath his chair.

去睡觉,现在,亲爱的,在上面的玫瑰之下。Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses.

那麽对于居住的地方,远在地壳之下。Then for a dwelling place, far ' neath the earth crust.

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在瑞克的烛光咖啡宴上把手藏在扇子把下面。Holding hands neath the paddle fans in Rick's candled café.

纷乱的梦中我孤身一人,走在铺满圆石的狭窄小径。In restless dreams I walked alone narrow streets of cobblestone, neath the hallo of a street lamp.

在大提顿国家公园,能够看见的仅仅是从大雪的覆盖中伸出来的木头篱笆。Barely visible a wooden fence peaks out from under neath a blanket of snow in grand teton national park.

孩子们在那棵樱桃树下栽种了几棵雪花莲,算是对梅格永远的怀念。我们都不禁潸然泪下。The children planted some snowdrops be neath the cherry tree, determined that Meg should never be forgotten.

在巨龙之地的北方偏东,最小的一块的下面,坐落着船长的贮藏所。In the land of the dragon to north by far northeast, lies the cache of the captain ' neath the weight of the least.