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你们发现偷渡者了吗?Have you found any stowaway?

贾巴命令两个勾心斗角的心腹去捉拿逃跑的偷渡者。Jabba tasked his two competing henchmen to capture the elusive stowaway.

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偷渡团伙买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。The group of stowaway crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards.

在客车通过桑德赫斯特军校大门后,这名偷渡客被发现藏在车子的楼梯井内,「太阳报」报导说。The stowaway was found in a stairwell of the coach after it passed through the gates of Sandhurst, reports The Sun.

英国某条安静的郊区街道近日从数千英尺的高空“天降”男尸,看起来死者是一名藏在飞机起落架上的偷渡者。A stowaway fell thousands of feet from a plane on to a quiet suburban street after apparently hiding in the landing gear.

当一名弗吉尼亚高中赛艇教练在去南卡罗莱纳州旅行返程途中清理背包时,一条隐蔽的小响尾蛇咬伤了他。Stowaway baby rattlesnake bit a Virginia high school rowing coach as he was emptying a bag after a trip to South Carolina.

在从南卡罗来纳旅行回来之后,整理皮箱时,隐匿着的一条可能是响尾蛇的动物咬伤这位弗吉尼亚高中的皮划艇教练。Stowaway may be a rattle stake. This is Virginia high school rowing coach that he was emptying a bag after a trip of South Carolina.

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两周前,英国航空公司一架从开普敦飞往希思罗机场的航班起落架隐蔽处也曾发现一具偷渡者尸体。The discovery comes just over a fortnight after the body of a stowaway was found in the landing gear recess of a BA plane arriving at Heathrow from Cape Town.

一旦人们了解到无线传输的短信,是在信道中偷渡过来的,就会以一个全新的视角看待运营商的定价计划。Once one understands that a text message travels wirelessly as a stowaway within a control channel, one sees the carriers’ pricing plans in an entirely new light.

我想讲述一段完整的历史,而不仅仅是他透露给我的,艰难哽咽的片言只语——那是一个简短而残酷的故事,一段困守孤船的偷渡历程。I needed a history more complete than the strangled bits that he had owned and passed on to me—a short, brutal tale of having been trapped as a stowaway on a ship.

一名弗吉尼亚高中赛艇教练从南卡洛莱纳旅行归来,在清空背包时被一条隐匿其中的小响尾蛇咬伤手指,据称该教练的伤势正在恢复之中。Stowaway baby rattlesnake bit a Virginia high school rowing coach as he was emptying a bag after a trip to South Carolina. The coach is recovering from the bite on his hand.

如果它用完燃料后坠落在木卫二上,它可能会因从地球携带的微生物污染这个星球,并会混淆以后关于这个卫星上的本土生命的研究。If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life.

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研究人员相信,在跨大西洋的贸易开始出现后,这种森林酵母是作为偷渡客,也许是夹在一片木材里、也许是在一只果蝇的肚子里到达巴伐利亚的酿酒山洞的。Researchers believe the forest yeast made its way to Bavaria's brewing caves as a stowaway when trade first began across the Atlantic Ocean, perhaps in a piece of wood or in the belly of a fruit fly.