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他是一家杂货铺的店东。He's the proprietor of a grocery store.

这个老板娘是个希腊人,手臂上长满了汗毛。The proprietor was a Greek with hairy arms.

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该业主正试图提高这块地的价值。The proprietor is trying to improve the land.

抵押权人成为土地所有人。The mortgagee becomes the proprietor of the land.

这丬商店的老板原是一个农民。The proprietor of the store was formerly a farmer.

或许,店主应该在午餐时间将其关闭。Perhaps the proprietor should switch it off at lunchtime.

金牛座主管的是自然,对天秤来说不够浪漫。Taurus is the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra.

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那卖面包的便是店主人,他拿起了一个面包和一把刀。The baker, who was the proprietor in person, took up a loaf and a knife.

对服务态度有意见者可向老板投诉。Complaints about standards of service should be addressed to the proprietor.

当看到卷心菜下面的那道菜时,我跳起来,把椅子都掀倒了,大叫店主。When I got below cabbage I turned my chair over and hollered for the proprietor.

作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上出租牧地。On this public domain the government , as proprietor , can lease grazing , lands.

不适用于自雇人士、独资经营人士或合夥业务的合夥人。Not applicable to self-employed person, sole proprietor or partner of partnership business.

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她去逛古董店,店主在展示物品之前要一件一件地擦拭。She was visiting an antique shop and the proprietor wiped down every item before showing it.

我的网站是一个分类广告网站,马达是从第三方购买的东主。My website is a motors classifieds website which was purchased from a third party proprietor.

杰拉德曾问过宠物店的老板喂它什么吃,勃兹曼回答说,“老鼠。”When Gerard had asked the pet-shop proprietor what to feed him, Bozeman had answered, “Rats.”

只有国家是经济真相和权力的唯一拥有者,而每个人都只是国家的雇员。Everyone is an employee of the state, which is the one proprietor of economic truth and power.

该萨尔维亚蒂家庭仍然是整个别墅业主十六和十七世纪。The Salviati family remained the proprietor of the villa throughout the XVI and XVII centuries.

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店主人刚刚点了一盏煤油挂灯,发出一阵不干净的然而友好的气味。The proprietor had just lighted a hanging oil lamp which gave off an unclean but friendly smell.

置身于一家真正的旧货店中,甚至店主都常常对自己蒙尘的存货中究竟隐藏着什么不甚明了。For in a true junk shop, not even the proprietor is always quite sure what his dusty stock conceals.

非专利技术是以占有人采取保密的形式而形成事实上的独占资产。The proprietor of non-patented technology enjoys adle facto monopoly owing to the confidential knowledge.