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是你的红唇粘住我的一切。Your lips stuck me wholly.

国有独资公司。Wholly state-owned company.

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他们把工作全部包了出去。They contract work out wholly.

所有螺丝全上锈了。All the screws are wholly rusty.

可是,敌人大大的失算了。But the enemy wholly miscalculated.

到此为止,她还没有完完全全偏离自己的轨道。She has not veered wholly off-course—yet.

于是,当全体完全被你拥有。And when thou comest to possess it wholly.

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该公司全资拥有的博讷机会内华达州。The company is wholly owned Bonne Chance NV.

降膜室采用整体落地式。Lower membrane room adopt falling type wholly.

这是一个道德体系,完全合乎逻辑的道德体系。It was a moral system, which was wholly logical.

我们当中没有一个人的罪行能完全获得赦免。None of us can be absolved wholly of wrong doing.

我们的方法是说教式的完全自愿的。Our approach is educational and wholly voluntary.

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从现在开始,把已经做了一半的工作统统完成。From now on, wholly finish work which is half-done.

BBN公司是雷神公司的全资子公司。BBN is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raytheon Company.

当她的男友离开她时,她完全丧失了信心和希望。She was wholly destroyed when her boyfriend left her.

奇点并非是什么全新理念,它只是比较新颖而已。The Singularity isn't a wholly new idea, just newish.

这章全部都在谈爱,前三节讲到「爱」是信仰最重要的成份。This chapter is wholly devoted to the praise of love.

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而这正是裸露的单子的状态。This is the condition of monads which are wholly bare.

现在中国允许外商独资用油企业。Enterprises wholly owned by foreigners are now allowed.

他把自己弄得舒舒服服的,烤着他的两只脚。He made himself wholly comfortable and toasted his feet.