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一段被冰山撞碎的爱情。A love broken by an iceberg.

轮船撞到冰山上。The ship ran upon the iceberg.

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他们的船绕过了冰山。Their ship circled the iceberg.

一些淡绿色生菜叶。Some light green iceberg lettuce.

前面还有一座冰山。The glacier calved a large iceberg.

冰川崩解而产生一个大冰山。The glacier calved a large iceberg.

这条船撞上冰山后沉没了。The ship hit an iceberg and went under.

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然而,这只是假新闻的冰山一角。However, it is only a tip of the iceberg.

这条船撞上了冰山葬身海底。The ship hit an iceberg and buried at sea.

我觉得这只是刚刚开始的破冰之旅。I think we just hit the tip of the iceberg.

这艘客船撞上了一座冰山。The passenger ship slammed into an iceberg.

就象肩胛骨间的一座冰山like an iceberg between the shoulder blades

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只有冰山的尖端突出于水面。Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water.

毫无疑问,三鹿毒奶事件只是冰山一角。Sanlu, no doubt, is just the tip of the iceberg.

同学们,红领巾是国旗的一角。Students, and red scarf is a flag of the iceberg.

但这只是冰山一角。This is the tip of the iceberg for any given sign.

从厚厚的、灰灰的雾中隐约可见一座大冰山。A large iceberg loomed through the thick, gray fog.

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对我们来说,这是一座巨大冰山的顶点。For us, this is at the tip of a very large iceberg.

系由冰山搬运而来并从中坠下的。That was transported by and dropped from an iceberg.

不过坦白说,这只不过是“绿色环保冰山”上的一角。But frankly, that’s just the tip of the green iceberg.