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这是一个非常好的,免费的新闻阅读器,将感兴趣的所有新闻组新手。It is a very good, free newsreader that will be of interest to all Usenet newbies.

最近,马克大量的研究工作是关注那些寻找技术支持的Usenet新闻组中的行为模式。Much of Marc’s recent work has looked at behavioral patterns in technical support newsgroups in Usenet.

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这是一个伟大的阅读程序,很快就会有你充分埋头在世界上的新闻组。This is a great newsreader program that will quickly have you fully engrossed in the world of the Usenet.

我们不要认为建立这种社交网络是以金钱和获得利益为目的。Thurston started getting into this whole "Internet" thing in simpler times when the social web was called Usenet.

任何电子邮件发送讯息张贴或通过聊天室,即时通讯系统,新闻组,留言板,新闻组或者是垃圾邮件。Any e-message sent or posted via chat rooms, instant messaging systems, newsgroups, message boards, or Usenet is Spam.

在Usenet论坛上面发现,那些会员制的网站积累了大量的非法复制拷贝的资料。The members-only website aggregates a large amount of the illegally copied material found on Usenet discussion forums.

1991年8月25日,托瓦尔兹在comp.os.minix的网络新闻组上发帖,题为“你在minix中最想看到的是什么?”On August 25, 1991, Torvalds posted a note to the comp.os.minix Usenet group titled, “What would you like to see most in minix?

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数十年来,从Usenet和其它在线评论中,我们可以发现,人们对于编程工具一直没有一致认可的选择。As we know from a couple of decades of Usenet and other on-line discourse, there is no such thing as consensus on programming tools.

Craig在email里写道,“我只是反映出在网上人们可以如何互帮互助。”"I was reflecting on how much people helped each other out on the Net, in those days, on the WELL and usenet news groups," he says via e-mail.

这篇文章主要展示了以堕胎为主题的线上新闻组的个案研究发现,以及对话者所创建的公共领域。This article presents a case study of a Usenet newsgroup focused on abortion, and discusses the creation of a public sphere by the conversants.

那么,我举个例子,如果一个学生贴了一张诽谤世界新闻组网络的帖子,但我们没有意识到它是具有诽谤性质的,那一旦这条帖子被诉讼,只有这个学生需要承担法律责任。Thus, for example, if a student posts a libelous message to our Usenet server and we never learn of it, the student alone will be liable if the message results in a lawsuit.

第一个以对中国感兴趣人群为目标的网络社区-USENET新闻组soc.culture.china-是在1987年末我离开北京去英国剑桥后不久建立的。The first electronic gathering place targeted at people interested in China — the USENET newsgroup soc. culture. china — was started soon after I left Beijing for Cambridge, UK, in late 1987.

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我在1990年至1994年间是sci.virtual-worlds的读者,有时候我也写些文章发在上面,这个USENET组织讨论有关实在世界和电脑模拟技术的各种问题。From 1990 through 1994, I was a reader of and occasional contributor to sci.virtual-worlds, the USENET group for discussion about all things relating to virtual reality and computer simulation.