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我们需要的只是平静、踏实和秩序。We only need calmness, solidness and order.

她对忠诚的坚贞不二给了她长久的希望。The solidness of her faith gave her enduring hope.

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使得这个世界仿佛有个坚实的基础。The solidness that this world's foundation seems to have is found in this.

跳舞的人物表现出具有节奏感的石头的坚硬与沉默。The dancing figure expresses the solidness and the silence of the stone with rhymes.

历史与现实、古老与年轻、刚劲与柔情共存。A new dam combines history with reality, antiquity with modernity and solidness with softness.

一定的茎秆硬度会致使虫卵损伤和脱水,削移幼虫的移动。A certain degree of stem solidness results in damaged and desiccated eggs and impaired larval movements.

在众多造型艺术中,雕塑以其真实、立体的空间而有别于其他造型艺术。For various arts plastiques, sculpture distinguishes itself from other ones with its validity and solidness.

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在安全策略的指导下,进行必要的系统防护有积极的意义,但是,无论网络防护得多么牢固,依旧不能说“网络是安全的”。On the other hand, no matter how solidness of the protection is, we cannot guarantee the network is "absolutely security".

一种多刃硬质合金钻,属于金属加工工具技术领域。The invention relates to a multi-edge solidness alloy drill, which belongs to the technical field of metal processing tool.

该套路动静有法、起伏有序、气力相兼、刚柔相济,给人既灵巧又雄浑的感受。This routine is dynamic but static, ups and downs, with Qi and strength, solidness and softness, it feels agile but vigorous.

结合工程实例,详细介绍天然砂砾在高等级公路工程中路基压实度的检测方法。Combining with project practice, this paper introduces checking method of grit road foundation solidness in super road project.

鸭子氽水是永春白鹤拳五大门面拳套中之一,能体现出柔中寓刚、刚中带柔的特点。Duck Diving In The Water in one of the five big boxing in Yongchun Bai He Quan, with solidness in softness, and softness in solidness.

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如果与法家比较,儒家又显得注重阴柔了,因为法家是纯任刚阳。Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang.

宋代官窑器型设计的指导思想是宋代理学的疑古思想。Therefore, simplicity in form, solidness in appearance, naturalness in style characterize the porcelain products from official kilns of Song Dynasty.

可以说今晚我们控制了比赛,和赛季初相比,现在的米兰根本就判若两队。I liked the team a lot tonight, because we succeeded to hold the pitch, there's more solidness when compared to the start of the season and we risk less.

文中对风化碎石粒料在作为路面基层施工时,为提高其压实度,提出了不同的室内试验方法。According to road foundation construction by weathering crushed stone material, different experimental methods inside are provided to improve its solidness.

为适应新的建筑设计与建筑方面,而是创造一个透明的对比非孔隙度和现有建筑物的坚固的想法。The design for the new building fits with the architectural context, but is transparent creating a contrast to the idea of non-porosity and solidness of the existing buildings.