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看庭前花开花落…See the courthouse flowers bloom.

你好,是市法院么?Hi. is this the municipal courthouse ?

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然后,又用手枪向其他雇员射击。He then shot at other courthouse staffers with pistols.

卡察夫离开法庭时没有置评。Mr. Katsav did not comment when he left the courthouse.

“我绝不会那样做”,法拉尼先生在法院门外说到。“I won’t do it, ” Mr. Farani said outside the courthouse.

在班加西的法庭前,示威者在做祷告。Demonstrators pray in front of the courthouse in Benghazi.

维罗妮卡跟着迈克尔到法院的监禁室里。Veronica follows Michael to a jail cell in the courthouse.

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在法院屋顶悬挂盟国国旗是违法的。It is illegal to display a confederate flag on a courthouse.

他在维吉尼亚理德曼的联邦法院遭到了阵阵嘘声。He arrived boos at a federal courthouse in Richmond, Virginia.

一天,我们前往霍普镇,参加在县府大楼台阶上举行的集会。One night we went to Hope for a rally on the courthouse steps.

但我们应当对喀麦登法院的这一活动心存感激。But we should be grateful to this Carmarthen courthouse campaign.

从法院出来,江先生和布鲁斯律师面对着摄像机接受采访。Mr. Bruce and Mr. Jiang faced the cameras outside the courthouse.

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共和党人需要到法院大楼登记才能参加选举投票。The Republicans had to come to the courthouse to register to vote.

穆瑞走进法庭时一些杰克逊的歌迷大叫“谋杀”。Some Jackson fans shouted "murderer" as Murray entered the courthouse.

她爸的办公室就在怀特普莱恩斯法院对面的那条街上。He had an office across the street from the courthouse in White Plains.

周一上午,一大堆人将高级法院挤了个水泄不通。On Monday morning, the horde of people besieged the superior courthouse.

一位戴着陪审员徽章的年长一点的人也用担架抬了出来。An elderly man wearing a juror badge also was wheeled out of the courthouse.

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丹尼斯冲妻子尖叫着,她正坐在法庭后面,泪流满面。Dennis screamed to his tearful wife as she sat in the back of the courthouse.

此次审判法庭外吸引了大宗记者,外界对于此案关注密切。Dozens of reporters gathered outside the courthouse in Beijing for the trial.

这场斗争现在已经从地方法院转移到了黄金圆顶的国会。The fight has now moved from the courthouse to the gold- domed state capitol.