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他在磨石上磨斧。He grinds ax on the grindstone.

把磨刀石上的那把镰刀拿去。Take the sickle which is lying on the grindstone.

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盲人一定会发现他身后的磨石。The blind man is bound to find the grindstone behind him.

他们真是在,埋头苦干。So these guys were all putting their nose to the grindstone.

我们在圣﹒泽维尔中学得到的就是这个机器推动的磨盘式的教育。This power-propelled grindstone type we had at St. Xavier's.

我决不介意你的好意提醒我说磨刀石妨碍了你。I never mind your kind reminding me that the grindstone hinders you.

我决不介怀你不和睦的提示说我的磨刀石妨害了你的汽缸。I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder.

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我决不介意你不友善的提醒说我的磨刀石妨碍了你的汽缸。I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder.

如果我们今天想把房子漆完就得埋头苦干。We have to put our nose to the grindstone if we want to finish painting the house today.

生活如磨刀石,是将你磨蚀或是磨得灿烂光亮,皆取决于你自身材料如何。Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you are made of.

如果刀刃怕伤了自己而不与磨刀石接触,就永远不会锋利。If the blade is afraid of hurting themselves and not with the grindstone contact, will never be sharp.

“我讨厌不锈钢”,他支起磨刀石时哼着说,“没有人再像以前一样造刀子了。”“I hate stainless steel, ” he said with a harrumph as he pedaled the grindstone. “No one makes knives like they used to.”

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有的变戏法,有的玩杂技,有的磨刀,有的说书,有的耍蛇,有的是兽医,有的专司纹身,有的编竹篮。And some are jugglers, acrobats, grindstone makers, story­tellers, snake charmers, animal doctors, tattooists, basketmakers.

那些整天磨鼻子的人工作非常努力。因为这可以使他的鼻子保持干净,通常这些人不会身陷麻烦。Someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone works very hard. This can help a worker keep his nose clean or stay out of trouble.

你需要调整下自己的步调,因此,安排些有意思的小小的休息来让自己可以期待,因为你将会有一段很长的时间不敢懈怠。You will need to pace yourself, so set up little fun breaks that you can look forward to, for you will have your nose to the grindstone for a long time.

世界上有些人带动了一股新的次文化,这些人发觉,朝九晚五的呆板生活其实激不起太多想象力。There is a new subculture of people in the world who have figured out that the 9-5 grindstone doesn't really fire up their imaginations to any great degree.

一段时间里安排个时候,不要做任何事情使你从工作中摆脱出来,问问自己“我为什么要做这件事?Scheduling in a period of time where your object is to do nothing allows you to pick your head up from the grindstone and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?

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我这把刀已用了十九年了,宰杀了上千头牛,但是刀刃还跟刚从磨刀石上磨过的一样锋利。Cook Ding continued, "I have used the knife for nineteen years and butchered over a thousand oxen, but the edge is as sharp as was just ground on the grindstone."

在他小的时候家境穷苦,没钱买书,只能找藏书之家借来抄,无论严寒酷暑,都丝毫不敢懈怠。When his family was poor, small, no money to buy books, only to find books borrowed a copy of the home, regardless of severe cold and heat, have no nose to the grindstone.

他的叫卖声很精神,但很有音韵,尽管只要他一开始磨刀锋,金属在磨石上的噪音就会引来老妇人们,带着她们心爱的旧菜刀。His call is bracing but melodious, although once he sets to work on a blade, the noise of grindstone on metal brings out the old women with their beloved worn-out cleavers.