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首先,什么是假设友好关系?Now, what is assuming rapport?

假设做好淘宝客?Assuming good Taobao customers?

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假设我们可以编辑它。Assuming it will let me edit it.

他总是摆出一副官架子。He's always assuming official airs.

那还是假设你可以订到房间呢。That's assuming you can get a room.

价格和商品质量的关系Assuming price and quality are connected

你们可以自己完成这些步骤I'm assuming you can fill in the blanks.

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告诉我我们在这里假设了什么?Tell me what is it that we are assuming?

我假设这个孩子也是容易冲动的。I'm assuming this child also is impulsive.

今天,网络印刷正扮演著这个角色。Today, Web-to-print is assuming this role.

假设贝蒂斯效果应当是更好的吧!Assuming Betis effect should be better now!

我要求你们每个人都要会看这种图I'm assuming everyone knows how to read it.

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我现在已经假设所有值都是正的I'm assuming all the components are positive.

假设MVVM,每个项目将是一个视图模型。Assuming MVVM, each item will be a view model.

假设你没有安排你自己的绑架?Assuming you haven't arranged your own kidnap?

假设你准备花冤枉钱。Assuming you are prepared to spend money wasted.

假设你将在我面前换衣服。Assuming you will change outfits in front of me.

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假设本日下午下雨的话我们奈何办?Assuming it rains this morning- what shall we do?

在那个前提下,你只是在假设你的答案。In that premise you're just assuming your answer.

我们设想她会出席,事实果然如此。We are justified in assuming that she will attend.