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我是百变小樱。Next semester I change myself.

不过我没赶上这班,所以这学期才上。So I’m taking it this semester.

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我这学期每科都过了。I got an all-pass this semester.

这差不多就是本学期的内容。So that's basically the semester.

这学期他有三门副修科目。He had three minors this semester.

这学期课程什么时候开始?When do courses begin this semester?

这整个学期这些资料都会放在这儿It'll be there for the whole semester.

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上学期王教授开了两门研究生课程。I plan on going to Korea next semester.

我下学期还应该呆在这里吗?Should I stay on for the next semester?

下学期我会继续努力下去。I'll keep hard working on next semester.

你这学期有没有选宋教授的课?Do you have Professor Song this semester?

这学期我要选美国史。I'll take American history this semester.

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该项目每学期开设20门课程。Twenty courses are offered each semester.

秋季的课程我已经注册了。I have matriculated for the fall semester.

今天是本学期正式开学的第一天。This semester has started,officially today.

有的美国学生学期开始先开个party。Students kick-off the semester with a party!

每学期至少要报一门选修课Take at least one extra class each semester.

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我儿子上学期成绩出色。My son got an excellent report last semester.

但是我,呃,我这个学期不能参加。But I was, I wasn't able to join this semester

这学期你有几节课?How many classes are you taking this semester?