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央行监测和粘膜炎周。Monitor CBC and for mucositis weekly.

于是CBC新闻网就应运而生。Thus CBC News Network came into existence.

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这一警报去年CBC的纪录片“消失中的男性”就曾拉响过。The alarm was raised last year by the CBC documentary "The Disappearing Male."

枝粗系数可作为红豆树干材的形质控制指标。CBC could be used as an index for the stem profile of O. hosiei Hemsl. et Wils.

杰威森曾在加拿大从事舞台演艺事业,后来在CBC电视台做导演。Jewison once worked as an stage actor in Canada and began his directing career at CBC Television.

CBC记录了伊朗男同性恋争取权利的运动,但关于女同性恋的却很少。The CBC produced a documentary about Iran’s gay rights movement, but little is mentioned of lesbians.

CBC新闻网没找到美联航校的老板,美联航校在加拿大安大略省伦敦市运作。CBC News could not reach the owner of Maylan Flight Academy, which operates flight schools in Ontario.

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佳盛人才顾问有限公司是一家从事高级人才搜寻的瑞士背景猎头公司。CBC Executive Search is a Swiss company in searching high-level and talented candidates for enterprises.

他因为背部受伤休息了六个月,刚回来工作仅仅一个星期就被解雇了。He had only been back to work for a week after taking a six-month absence due to a bad back, according to CBC.

他们告诉CBC新闻网,他们相信美联航校的老板在中国,或者在加拿大安大略省伦敦市,但他们不确定。They told CBC News they believe the owner of Maylan Flight Academy is in China — or London, Ont. They aren"t sure."

青岛国桥是经营环保设备和陶瓷原料为主的贸易公司,主导产品为煤气发生炉、氧化铝球、陶瓷辊棒和陶瓷熔块。Cbc is a modern private company. products provided by cbc are coal gasifier alumina balls kiln rollers and ceramic frit.

全血检查,包括血小板计数、纤维蛋白原水平、部分凝血活酶时间、ABO血型和抗体监测。CBC with platelet count, fibrinogen level, partial thromboplastin time, and ABO blood typing and antibody screen are obtained.

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公司自2000年成立以来,始终把中国作为最大的合作伙伴,2010年致力于中医中药行业。Since found in 2000, CBC have taken China as the largest partner. In 2010, it dedicated to traditional Chinese medicine industry.

号液对缺氧新生豚鼠心脏缺血再灌注后的心功能无保护作用,而冷血心停搏液具有较好的保护作用。CBC but not STS could effectively protect cardiac function of hypoxic newborn guinea-pig subjected to myocardial ischemic reperfusion.

急腹症病人术前准备包括CBC计数、血型和交叉配血、凝血化验。Preoperative preparation of a patient with an acute abdomen includes a CBC count, typing and crossmatching of blood, and clotting studies.

超过900万加拿大家庭将CBC作为了解当前国内外事务一个可靠的信息来源。More than 9 million homes in Canada consider CBC as a reliable source to know about current affairs within the country as well as in abroad.

她告诉CBC新闻台说,“今年我们已经失去了一些和我们一起工作妇女,而这个城市的大部分人却甚至不知道这样的事已经发生了”"We've actually lost a couple of women this year who we work with and most of the city doesn't even know that happened, " she told CBC News.

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本文以韩国学生为考察对象,用中介语理论分析其汉语初级词的习得情况,对偏误部分及其合理成分进行考察。So this paper works over the South Korea students' acquisition of CBC by using the interlanguage theory, and analyses the error part and reasonable part.

在三姐妹的镜头之后的那个钢琴家是格连·古尔德在CBC表演的动画版。The shot we see of a pianist just after the initial Triplettes footage goes awry is a cartoon version of Glenn Gould recording a performance for the CBC.

最近,格拉斯哥大学的理查德·米切尔与他的研究人员一起,公布了他们的发现。Richard Mitchell from the University of Glasgow, together with his co-researchers, released their findings recently. CBC News Canada ran this feature story