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这是可能的That's a possibility.

第一种可能是。Possibility number one.

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当然也是种解决办法Certainly a possibility.

销钉喷出的可能性。Possibility of pin ejection.

来自主管理人类的可能性。Enfranchise human possibility.

这是第一种可能。That's possibility number one.

但这仅是一种可能。But that is only one possibility.

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武装冲突的可能性。Possibility of an armed conflict.

可能性不能排除。The possibility cannot be excluded.

你能容许这样的可能么?Can you even admit that possibility?

您如何评价这种可能性?How would you rate this possibility?

好,停止食用是一种可能Okay, so withdrawal is a possibility.

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你想有一些可选书目。So you want to have some possibility.

他并未排除这种可能性。He does not rule out this possibility.

给文学下定义还是有可能的。The possibility of definition persists.

沃尔玛成功进军纽约的可能…The possibility of Walmart coming to NY.

一切权利都有滥用的可能。All rights have the possibility of abuse.

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库鲁格曼从没有考虑到这个可能性。Krugman never considers this possibility.

自杀的可能性已被排除。The possibility of suicide was ruled out.

我所追求的是一种可能性的感觉。What I'm after is a sense of possibility.