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我将把情况告知你。I will apprise you of the situation.

文章最后对系统进行了简单评价。The simple apprise is given in the end of the paper.

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我先前给罗马那边发了电报…I cabled Rome earlier to apprise them of our situation.

他来通知我们工作已胜利完成。He came to apprise us that the work had been successfully completed.

他设想最好以文章见报的方式告诉露丝他已回来了。He conceived that it would be fine to let that event apprise Ruth of his return.

我的前夫迫不及待地告诉我,我的论文被评价得一无是处。My ex-husband was eager to apprise me of the fact that my thesis was appraised as worthless.

作为爱普瑞斯客户支持团队新的一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训。As a new business analyst and member of the Apprise Software Support Team, your first few weeks will involve extensive training.

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血中硒含量能最确切地反映人体当前的硒水平,血硒水平已广泛用作评价人体硒状态的指标。The blood selenium content can reflect the present selenium level of human body. It has been the standard to apprise the selenium state of human.

倘若我父亲愿意加害你,我若不通知你,不放你走,使你平安离去,愿上主这样这样加倍罚我约纳堂!Should it please my father to bring any injury upon you, may the LORD do thus and so to Jonathan if I do not apprise you of it and send you on your way in peace.

作为爱普瑞斯研发团队新的一员,公司将于前几周给予你广泛的专业培训,让你熟悉我们的软件和编程语言。As a new member of the Apprise Software R&D Team, you will first be provided with extensive training to familiarize yourself with our software and programming language.

过去在进行技术经济评价或固定资产折旧时,由于缺乏一套具体计算方法,通常只有定性分析,而无定量计算。Since we are short of a systematic methods in economic apprise of technique and depreciation of fixed assets, we used to do qualitative analysis, never did quantitative analysis.