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失眠症患者的颤抖发烧。And the thrilling fever of the insomniac.

我有失眠症,刚刚睡着没多久,晕乎乎的。I'm an insomniac and I had just fallen asleep.

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阿泰是一个朗诵困难者,不可知论者和失眠患者。Ron Artest is dyslexic, agnostic, and an insomniac.

今天已经是我第四天没怎么睡觉了,因为我有失眠症。Today, I haven't had any real sleep in 4 days because I am an insomniac.

我希望在我成为失眠症者之前你就认识我,因为我曾经是个地地道道的好人。I wish you knew me before I was an insomniac because I used to be a really nice person.

失眠症患者,这种病人在他想睡觉时经常特别清醒。The insomniac is habitually afflicted with wakefulness at times when he wishes to sleep.

你听说过诵读困难者,不可知论失眠症患者吗?哦知道,他整完不睡觉都在想世界上到底有没有“狗”的存在。Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.

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本实用新型可帮助失眠者解除苦恼,帮助健康人充分休息。The utility model can help the insomniac relieve the affliction, and can help the healthy people rest up.

出于某些原因,我的真感情好像只有在我凌晨三点到六点失眠的时候都会流露。For some reason, though, my true feelings only seem to come out during insomniac attacks between 3am and 6am.

不眠症患者这个词是我在想为这张大碟取一个合适的名字时第一个想到的词。The word insomniac was the first that came to mind when I was trying to come up with a suitable title for the album.

你点起了一个蜡烛,放在我的胸口,蜡烛是红色的蜡泪直往下滴,那个夜里,我和著雨声失眠。You lit a candle and put it on my chest. The red candle wax kept dripping down. That night, I lay insomniac in the sounds of the rain.

在昨天所公布的一项报告中,称睡眠能力不佳的女性或将危及到到婚姻的幸福,然而失眠的丈夫似乎对于婚姻幸福并没有太大的影响。And research published yesterday found that a woman’s inability to fall asleep can be bad for marriage. Insomniac husbands, however, do not have the same detrimental effect on wedded bliss.

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有失眠症谁的面子“丘基,”他还风趣,善于自嘲,告诉乔治塞夫特珠为激化了著名的49人队教练的编剧铅笔他出这样的故事。An insomniac who has the face of "Chucky, " he's also funny and self-deprecating, telling such stories as George Seifert balling him out for sharpening the famed 49ers coach's playwriting pencils.