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从银座线到虎门,对吗?。Ginza Line to Toranomon, right?

其他人在银座区。The others are in the Ginza district.

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这张车票最远只到银座。This ticket is only good as far as Ginza.

猪扒秘方酱汁是由创始人在1927年发明的。Secret recipe created by the founders of Ginza Bairin in 1927.

你可搭银座线,在表参道站下车。You can take Ginza line and get off at the station of Omotesando.

银座和原宿排起了长长的队伍,苹果产品正在这里热卖。As the lines in Ginza and Harajuku indicate, Apple products are a hit here.

在周六晚上十点,银座的十字道口原来应该人来车往有些拥挤。At 10pm on a Saturday night, the Ginza intersection would normally be thronged.

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去东京银座,作为中国人必提到海尔的那块广告牌。When at Ginza in Tokyo, as Chinese we must mention about that billboard of Haier.

开敞的气氛是为了在银座大街的露天广场吸引游人。Its expansive atmosphere aims to fill the role of an inviting open space on Ginza Dori.

某个周末,Bulgari在银座旗舰店顶楼的新餐厅内人潮拥挤。The new Bulgari restaurant on top of the flagship store in Ginza is packed on a weekday.

信不信由你,这儿的邻近区域以前比银座、新宿或涩谷还要大许多。Believe it or not, this neighborhood used to be much bigger than Ginza or Shinjuku or Shibuya.

对他们而言,在银座购买高档商品本身就被视为一件很有面子的事。For them, buying high-end merchandise in Ginza itself is seen as a prestigious thing, " he said.

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塞娅坐在商店服务台,开始在银座的高岛屋“工作”。Saya then began "working" at Takashimaya in Ginza where she sits at the store's information desk.

2009年的一天,东京银座新桥地区,职员们在办公室度过了漫长的一天后下班。Workers head out after a long day at the office in Tokyo's Ginza and Shimbashi districts in 2009.

来自发光天花的光线照到银座大街上,成为了店铺的标志。Thelight from the luminous ceiling shines out over Ginza Dori making for a store sign with presence.

东京高档的银座购物区也因中国购物者的大量涌入生意兴隆。Tokyo's upscale Ginza shopping district is also getting a boost from the influx of Chinese shoppers.

东京高档的银座购物区也因中国购物者的大量拥入正生意兴隆。Tokyo's upscale Ginza shopping district is getting a boost from the influx of Chinese shoppers, too.

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我点点头,回忆起我第一次品尝上等神户牛肉的情形,那是在银座一家高端的kappo餐厅里。I nod, recalling my first encounter with top-quality Kobe beef, at a high-end kappo restaurant in Ginza.

但它在日本缺乏尊贵感,可能是因为他们在银座区并没有旗舰店。But in Japan it lacks prestige, possibly because it does not have a flagship store in the Ginza district.

当谈及东京夜生活时,新宿、银座、本木这三个地方是最著名的。There are three most famous locations when speaking of Tokyo nightlife namely Shinjuku, Ginza and Roppongi.