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他父亲是个饲养员。His father is a stockman.

小马驹和小牛犊围着饲养员欢蹦乱跳。The colts and calves are gambolling round the stockman.

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后来说他是“带到小木屋”为他的意见。Stockman said later he was "taken to the woodshed" for his comments.

这头骨瘦如柴的母牛在饲养员的精心照料下,很快地在肥壮起来。This skinny cow is nowfattening out under the good care of the stockman.

饲养员正在往鱼塘里撒喂大量鱼食。The stockman is spreading a great quantity of fish food into the fish pond.

为了鑑定土蜘蛛的种类,邦德和史托克曼采用谭普敦的方法。To identify the species of the spiders, Bond and Stockman adopted methods developed by Templeton.

通常饲养上万只鸡群的养鸡场,只有一位管理员,不可能随时监控鸡只的健康状况。In any event they may be only one stockman for tens of thousands of birds, making effective supervision impossible.

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养鸡场里光线昏暗,是为了减轻过度排挤所造成的压迫感,这使得农场管理员无法辨别鸡只是否生病,或是根本已经死亡。The lights are dimmed to reduce the stress of overcrowding so the stockman probably won't see animals that are ill or have died.

但斯托克曼说,当今美国的财政失衡问题如果不同时进行积极的削减开支和大幅增加税收的话,是无法得以改善的。Today, Stockman says America's fiscal imbalances cannot be corrected without a combination of aggressive spending cuts and substantial tax increases.

只有对细节注意,每天花大力气去琢磨和监视鸡舍情况的人,才会得到最大的回报。The stockman who pays attention to detail and makes every effort to understand and monitor what is going on in the chicken house will be rewarded with a successful result.