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阈下抑郁与抑郁症具有同质性。Subthreshold depression is homogeneous with depression.
并且在模型中对亚阈区的栅偏依赖现象进行建模,提高了模型描述器件退化的准确度。And the gate bias dependency in the subthreshold region is also modeled for improved accuracy.
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提出了一种新型的低电压、低功耗、工作在亚阈值区的基准电压源。A new low-voltage low-power CMOS voltage reference operating in subthreshold region is presented.
对器件的亚阈区导电和RF等特性的热载流子退化,也作了相应的分析。The degradations of device output conductance, subthreshold conduction and RF characteristics are also analyzed.
目的观察罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶合用后对哌替啶镇痛作用的影响。Objective To investigate the synergistic analgesic action of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin.
本体推动之CMOS元件工作于次临界区确实可设计于低电压、低功率之运算放大器。The used bulk-driven CMOS device in subthreshold is exactly deigned in the operation amplifier for low-voltage and low-power.
结果罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶配伍可显著提高小鼠痛阈。Results Administration of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin significantly increased the pain threshold of mice.
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结论罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶合用可以增强镇痛效果,从而减少哌替啶的用量,降低其药物依赖的发生概率。Results Administration of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin significantly increased the pain threshold of mice.
该模型预测的电子密度增加,增加航道水深在亚阈值区或温和反转区域。This model predicts an increased electron density with an increasing channel depth in subthreshold region or mild inversion region.
用均匀交变磁场对小白鼠的自主活动及戊巴比妥钠阈下催眠影响进行了实验研究。The experiments on the effects of the uniform magnetic field in mice autonomic action and nembutal subthreshold hypnosis was carried out.
结果氟哌啶醇与阈下剂量哌替啶配伍注射可显著提高小鼠痛阈。Results The combinative administration of Dolantin in subthreshold dose and haloperidol can significantly raise the pain threshold of mise.
该放大器利用工作在亚阈值区的CMOS基准源,在此基础上运用了PMOS差分输入级,以及CMOS推挽输出级结构。The circuit was based on CMOS reference operating in subthreshold region, using PMOS differential input and push-pull CMOS output stage mode.
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目的观察脑灵素胶囊抗小鼠大脑缺血作用及对阈下剂量戊巴比妥钠致小鼠睡眠的影响。Objective To observe the effects of Naolingsu capsule on anti-cerebral ischemia in mice and hypnosis of pentobarbital sodium of subthreshold dose.
讨论了基于MOS晶体管亚阈值区特性的CMOS四象限模拟乘法器的设计。The design technique for a CMOS four quadrant analog multiplier is presented, which is based on the characteristics of the MOSFET subthreshold region.
本文为混合型TEA—CO_2激光器亚阀值单模多线运转提出了一种改进的速率方程模型。A rate equation model is described in this paper for the single mode multiline emis- sion from a hybrid TEA-CO_2 laser for subthreshold operation of CW section.
近年来,临床心理学家们越来越关注阈下抑郁对重性抑郁症的预测作用。There is an increasing interest in the extent to which individuals with subthreshold depression face increased risks of subsequent major depression and other disorders.
连续型电缆方程是描述无髓神经纤维阈下刺激时膜电压变化的重要方程。The continuous cable equation is an important equation which describes the variation of membrane voltage with the subthreshold electric stimulation of unmyelinated fiber.
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风险逐步增加,如果我们用代谢综合征的定义,我们就不会注重那些在阈下的危险因子增加的病人。Risk increases incrementally, and if we use the definition of metabolic syndrome, we would not catch any of the patients with these subthreshold increases in risk factors.
他们发现阈下性轻躁狂者比无躁狂行为的抑郁者有更高的焦虑率和药物滥用率,抑郁的发作次数也更高。They found that people with subthreshold hypomania have higher rates of anxiety and substance abuse and more depressive episodes than depressed people who don't exhibit manic behavior.
利用工作在亚阈值区的MOS管代替传统电流基准中的三极管或电阻器件,实现了一款全CMOS器件的电流基准。The bipolar transistors or the resistors in the traditional current reference were replaced by MOS transistors working in the subthreshold region to achieve an all CMOS current reference.