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旁边的姐妹'坐在护士和皇后欧律狄刻。Next to the sisters' sits the Nurse and Queen Eurydice.

其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice.

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其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice.

他一向后看,尤丽黛丝就消失在一团烟雾之中。Eurydice disappeared in a cloud of smoke as soon as he looked back.

黑德斯由于受到音乐的感动,于是决定释放尤丽黛丝。Hades was so touched by the music that he decided to let Eurydice go.

当他找到尤丽黛丝,他了解到冥王黑德斯并不会将她释放。When he found Eurydice , he realized that Hades, the god of the underworld, refused to let her go.

他的身影又一次来到了塔耳塔洛斯,在这里他找到了欧里狄克,用热情的双臂拥抱她。His shade passed a second time to Tartarus, where he sought out his Eurydice and embraced her, with eager arms.

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被告知后的Haemon死亡,欧律狄刻完排针织,上升到她的房间里,并切断她的喉咙。Upon being told of Haemon's death, Eurydice finished her row of knitting, climbed to her room, and cut her throat.

传说中色雷斯诗人和音乐家,他的音乐的力量甚至可以打动没有生命的物体,他差一点将他妻子欧律狄刻从地狱中成功救出。A legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects and who almost succeeded in rescuing his wife Eurydice from Hades.

我们必须诉诸于比喻,从神话得来的比喻。尤利底斯的两次迷失,是我们能够找到的最有力的意象,关于奥费斯作为分析师与无意识之间的关系。To resort to a metaphor, drawn from mythology, we have, in Eurydice twice lost, the most potent image we can find of the relation between Orpheus the analyst and the unconscious.