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一阵令人焦虑的沉默。There was a suspenseful silence.

这是一个关于爱情、失落与迷恋的故事,充满情调与悬疑色彩。Lily is an atmospheric and suspenseful tale of love, loss and obsession.

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这是一部集讽刺,荒诞,幽默,严肃,悬疑和现实于一体的电影。It was satirical, fantastic, comedic, serious, suspenseful and realistic.

上海楼市14大悬疑之房价高与低该谁说了算?Shanghai property market with high prices of 14 major suspenseful who say that low?

出来的效果是无比地紧张和悬疑,正如他一路既往的风格。The results are almost unbearably tense and as suspenseful as anything he’s done in his career.

这是最悬疑的想象,但他们把它作为扣人心弦高潮电影。It's the least suspenseful thing imaginable, yet they treat it as the nail-biting climax of the movie.

无论如何,该片紧张的气氛和丹泽尔?华盛顿的杰出表现都足以激发观众的兴趣。In any case, this film is a suspenseful drama that will intrigue audiences. And Washington is wonderful as always.

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争分夺秒的解决反物质炸弹来防止梵蒂冈被破坏使这部影片充满悬疑。This movie has a suspenseful storyline with an anti-matter bomb and the race to prevent the destruction of Vatican City.

你对悬疑小说和电影、深奥的哲学有兴趣,一些探究或表达强烈情感的事物或方式也对你有吸引力。You may also enjoy suspenseful movies or books, depth psychology, or other ways of exploring or expressing deep emotions.

有些书迷可能从中看到现实生活中社会名流的重要作用会分散注意力,但所有人都会欣赏充满悬念的进程。Some fans may find the prominent role of the real-life celebrities a distraction, but all will enjoy the suspenseful ride.

本片以19世纪末的古巴为背景,其超强的演员阵容,充满悬念的情节以及异国情调的场景肯定能吸引广大观众。Set in late nineteenth-century Cuba, the film is sure to entice audiences with its compelling cast, suspenseful plot, and exotic locale.

他说,“我收集C.奥巴马的最后阶段,就是奥巴马总统竞选美国总统的最后关键几周。”I made the final collections of C. obamae during the suspenseful final weeks of President Obama's campaign for the United States presidency.

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不过在半决赛中,巴西人终于战胜了宿命,他们在120分钟内1-1和荷兰战成平手,但在点球决战中笑到了最后。The Brazilians at last overcame their jinx in the semi-final, when they beat the Netherlands in a penalty shoot-out after a suspenseful 1-1 draw.

大笑过后,血压会回降、减少分泌令人紧张的荷尔蒙,免疫系统也会增强。After you laugh, the blood pressure will return to falls, the reduction to secrete the suspenseful hormone, the immune system will also strengthen.

从布朗克斯动物园悄悄溜出来的一条埃及眼镜蛇已经被找到。它开溜在外的这一周可没少让纽约民众和“推特”粉丝为它担心。It's been a suspenseful week for New Yorkers and Twitizens worldwide, but we can all rest easy. Once lost, the Bronx Zoo's Egyptian cobra has been found.

一个被送到一个托儿所屋子里的玩具盒里的可怕前景,召唤出一部天才般创新、超乎想象的吊人胃口的逃亡电影。A brilliantly inventive and surprisingly suspenseful escape movie conjured from the fearsome prospect of consignment to the toy box in a day care's toddler room.

由知名中国剧场导演赖声川所创作的这齣悬疑剧作品有令人振奋的意想不到结局,让您觉得非常刺激。Created by renowned Chinese theatre director Stan Lai, this suspenseful theatre piece with an exhilaratingly unexpected ending will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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正是马丁创造的复杂人物和摄人心魄的情节让读者和电视剧观众无法预测,却又急切想知道下一场铁王座争夺战里会发生什么。It is Martin's complex characters and suspenseful plots that have left readers and TV viewers unsure but desperate to find out what happens next in the battle for the Iron Throne.

美国的一项调查中测试了200人,看他们在面对某些令肾上腺素激升的情况时做何反应,比如站在某物的边缘或者看一部悬疑片。Researchers in the US tested 200 people to see how they reacted to certain adrenalin pumping sensations, such as standing on the edge of something or watching highly suspenseful movies.

在2000年,2004年依然悬疑重重的总统选举备战中,两个主要政党为台湾岛的身份认同投入了更声势浩大的斗争,其导火线则是中国威胁论。In the build-up to no less suspenseful presidential elections in 2000 and 2004, the two main parties engaged in more momentous struggles over the island's identity, fuelled by threats from China.