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人参代用品的买卖很兴隆。There is a flourishing trade in ersatz ginseng.

而这一郑重而蹩脚的史诗电影不仅错失了智慧的方舟,也没有愉悦岸上的大众。And this solemn, ersatz epic not only misses the boat intellectually but also fails as entertainment.

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第一次植皮后的16个月内人造皮肤在每个病人身上都没有受到排斥。In the 16 months since the first graft, the ersatz skin has not been rejected by any of the patients.

必须要有某种拣选机制,将真正的革命性想法挑选出来。There needs to be some screening process whereby truly revolutionary ideas are weeded out from ersatz ones.

这里绝大多数的学校几乎没有传统的痕迹,因为没有人在意这些。It scarcely seems to matter that most of these schools are ersatz affairs with few conventional qualifications.

古丽是一个致命的杀手,能杀人于转瞬之间,且面不改色心不跳。Guri was a lethal assassin, capable of killing in the blink of an eye without even raising her ersatz heartbeat.

我已经用我的一辈子重新定义了这一部分,当我还是个孩子的时候,承袭卡曾斯的姓氏,与朋友像兄弟姐妹一样相处。I've been part of this redefinition all my life, casting cousins and friends as ersatz siblings since I was a child.

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因为这些产品价格低廉,他们微薄的收入只能去消费这些假冒伪劣产品。It is because these products are cheap, and given people's meager salaries these ersatz goods are often their only option.

霍恩布洛尔饭店的主人肯·法尔扎德说,如果说这些海鸥有注意过假猫头鹰的话,那也只是出于好奇而已。If anything, the ersatz owls have become a curiosity to the gulls, said Ken Farzad, owner of the harbor's Hornblower 's Restaurant.

勒·布拉斯争辩说,由于世界末日的宗教预言没有实现,人口增长本身为大灾难提供了一个替代机制。As religious forecasts of the world’s end receded, LeBras argues, population growth itself provided an ersatz mechanism ofapocalypse.

另外,他还用腌渍过的熊蒜花蕾冒充酸豆来装饰走廊,使其闻起来有种强烈的蒜香味。He makes a gallery of ersatz capers by pickling, for example, the buds of ramson flowers, which have a potently garlicky perfume and taste.

但是这一人造资本主义新型,寓于其中的是损失的社会化和利益的私人化,是注定要失败的。But this new form of ersatz capitalism, in which losses are socialised and profits privatised, is doomed to failure. Incentives are distorted.

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他们的那些飞机都是快要报废的东西,所用的燃料也是那些一不留神就会爆炸的最低级的代用品,那侦察系统跟是一个笑话。The planes they had were junkers, the fuel was usually "A-Go" ersatz that would blow up if you didn't keep your eyes on the dials every second, and recon was a joke.

其它受到推崇的复制品中包括了拉斯维加斯的埃菲尔铁塔和在韩国注明主题公园里的迷你版中国长城。Other beloved pseudo-masterpieces include Las Vegas’s ersatz Eiffel Tower and the miniature Great Wall of China at South Korea’s popular theme park Jeju Mini Mini Land.