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没有轻飘的粉红色。No ethereal pinks.

如此的轻盈妩媚!So lightsome and ethereal and seductive!

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现在断裂轻飘的项目为1出售金子。Broken Ethereal items now sell for 1 gold.

在伽利略之后,它不再是一个沉重的盾牌。It was no longer, after Galileo, of an ethereal temper.

另一位则是个苗条的金发女孩,她的眼神飘渺而幽远。The other was an ethereal blonde, her gaze dreamy and distant.

善者美,美而作为有施,则不空虚。Goodness is beauty, and beauty actualized is not ethereal at all.

秀丽、举止端庄,真可谓是天香国色呀。She is a beautiful woman of ethereal color and celestial fragrance.

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最初我们被告知“,那个沉重的盾牌是坚厚而庞大的。So initially the ponderous shield is of an "ethereal temper," we are told.

其作风渐趋平淡致远,具有油腻隽永的空灵美。Its style, with light relocating salo insipid ethereal beauty of lingering.

醉,让梦具体得真实,让现实又虚幻的飘渺。Drunk, so that specific dream was real, so that reality and fantasy ethereal.

另外,影片中她那双不自然却又空灵的蓝色眼睛并没有破坏她的美丽。And yes, those unnaturally ethereal blue eyes in the movie don't hurt, either.

最微不足道的罪行在最超越尘俗的天地里引起回响。The most insignificant transgression reverberated in the most ethereal worlds.

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在八种樟属植物精油中含有较多的黄樟素。There are much safrole in eight sorts of Cinnamomum Trew plants' ethereal oil.

当虚空掠夺者离场时,你可以获得目标装备的操控权。When Ethereal Plunderer leaves play, you may gain control of target equipment.

让我们梳理一下完整的思路,有女人味意味着优美和轻盈。Let's ditch the whole idea that being feminine means being perfect and ethereal.

花在自然界的模式。新娘最喜爱的一种,轻轻的水芋百合花通常叫婚礼花。A favorite of brides, the ethereal calla lily is often called the wedding flower.

抓包速度比较快,以树形列表给与分析,可以查看原始数据包。Ethereal faster, to give a list of tree analysis, you can view the original packet.

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这把虚灵之剑在一颗死星的中心铸造而成,将恐惧带到过宇宙的许多角落。Forged in the heart of a dying star, this ethereal blade is feared across the cosmos.

他作为一个年轻人,有点空灵、超脱尘世,或许还很聪明。You see him as a young boy and he's a bit ethereal and other-worldly, probably bright.

我还有一点很好奇,就是在这种虚无飘渺的状态之下,我们将用什么样的方式交流呢?I am also curious to know what types of communication will be allowed in ethereal form.