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房协的义工为长者粉饰家居。Housing Society volunteers refurbish the homes for the elderly.

这笔钱的大部分将被用来整修一个为印度所用的港口。Most of that money will be used to refurbish a port that will be for India's use.

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缝补袖口、钉上扣子、补好边缘,坏掉的套装和衬衫就可以继续穿了。You can also refurbish suits and shirts by having cuffs repaired, buttons replaced and hemlines adjusted.

他并称,领汇的商铺修缮和推广计划,应该会帮助提高租户的营收.But a programme to refurbish shabby malls, and marketing campaigns, should help tenants increase revenue, he said.

一个我从没有预想到的ipad的用途是,我现在定期的用它来帮助我翻修老式缝纫机。One thing I never predicted using the iPad for, and which I now do regularly, is use it to help me refurbish vintage sewing machines.

一天之内,读完失乐园、白鲸、大卫科波菲尔,剩下的时间,还够我将餐厅,装饰一新。I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening.

一天以内,读完掉乐土、白鲸、大卫科波菲尔,其余的时间,还够我将食堂,扮饰一新。I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Dopperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening.

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6月16日,联合公司宣布帝国大厦业主与其签署了合同,去整修和现代化纽约象征的68部电梯。On June 16, United announced that the owner of the Empire State Building awarded it a contract to refurbish and modernize the New York icon's 68 elevators.

作为2008年奥运会前夕北京市努力改观旧市区面貌工作的一部分,大规模改造前门大街的工程始于2002年下半年。The massive redevelopment of Qianmen Street, which began in late 2002, is part of Beijing's efforts to refurbish old city areas ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games.

然而,华纳兄弟购买和翻新位于伦敦北部的利维斯顿工作室的决定可能有助于延迟英国电影业下滑成小型产业。However, the decision by Warner Bros to buy and refurbish the Leavesden studios in north London may help delay the descent of British cinema into a cottage industry.

这个项目是为一个古老的建筑的首层进行室内装修,设计任务是将首层空间经典的风格改为现代式的,阁楼式的风格,以便于一家四口居住。The assignment was to refurbish the classically arranged ground floor of the deep middle dwelling into a contemporary, loft-like space for a family with two children.

几乎完好的是能源安装部门仍然使用在美国核子储蓄库中装配,抛光和维持估计的10,000个弹头。Nearly as healthy are the Department of Energy installations still used to assemble, refurbish and maintain the estimated 10,000 warheads in the United States' nuclear stockpile.

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而当一切准备就绪,又传来政府延长了公共巴士使用年期,结果这些三叉戟让路予非空调单层巴士,进行翻新及加装空调。To go one step further, the Singapore Government extend the lifespan of the public buses, SBS decided to refurbish and fitted air-con. unit on the aging conventional single-decker.

他们会看电影学烹饪,会看记录片,也可能会看伍迪·艾伦的表现神经质的电影来娱乐身心。You'll cook a dinner to Julia Child, use fix-it videos to refurbish your room and watch documentaries to wind down. You might also enjoy the neurotic works of Woody Allen for a chuckle.