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这是我第一次从你们系选课。This is my first elective in your department.

实现全校学生选课在线查询。School students to achieve elective online inquiries.

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一个政府专家委员会在2006年对选择性剖腹产提出了警告。A government panel warned against elective C-sections in 2006.

事实上,上选修课或者没有学分的课程都是有娱乐性质的。In fact, make the elective or non-credit classes entertaining.

没有什么可以与之相媲美,这门课程在一年级开始,三年级有选修。It begins in the junior year. There is an elective senior course.

选修科目有应用科学、音乐、美术和外语。Elective subjects applied science, music, art and foreign languages.

你是否一直认为员工是有权选择转不转制的?Do you ever think that converting to the NPRS is an elective process?

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这是一位叫做吉•格林姆斯的助教发明的选修课程。It is an elective course created by Jay Grymes, an assistant professor.

其中至少有12个学分须在高三时修满。At least 12 credits from elective courses must be at the grade 12 level.

除必修科目外,选修科目我选了实验科学。Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in the Lab Science.

选修课还包括有指导教授的课题研究及论文课程。Elective courses include project or thesis upon approval by the advisor.

这些手术类型的范围从救命的到普通可以选择的。These surgeries range from lifesaving operations to elective procedures.

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高中英语选修6,5个单元的课文翻译以及课后答案!Senior English Elective 6,5 units of text translation and after-school answer!

如果学生在某个时间段没有选修课的话可以去图书馆自习。If students do not have elective at that period, they can study in the library.

你希望学校怎样安排学生的选修科目?How would you prefer the school to organize the curriculum for elective subjects?

选课相关问题请洽课务组办理。On issues regarding elective courses, please consult with the Curriculum Division.

选修科目学分由各系认定。The credits for elective courses shall be determined by the respective Departments.

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学生对学科知识的接触面会否因设立选修部分而减少?Will the existence of elective part narrow students' exposure of the subject matter?

实际上,对于一些自然力的速度的测试,已经有过成功的尝试。Ingenious experiments have been tried, to measure the velocity of the elective force.

选择性头部亚低温治疗新生儿HIE是有效的、安全的。There are no side effects in the treatment of HIE with elective cephalic hypothermia.