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因为那是我的冀望,我的骄傲。For my image and pride.

我的自尊心太强了。My pride is too strong.

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那是她的骄傲和欢乐。It was her pride and joy.

骄傲必败。Pride goes before a fall.

骄傲就会摔交。Pride goes before a fall.

他因骄傲而趾高气扬。He is puffed up with pride.

狮子的骄傲展露无遗。The lion pride was outside.

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孔雀象征骄傲。The peacock typifies pride.

你伤害了他的自尊心。You have wounded his pride.

她被骄傲冲昏了头脑。She was eaten up with pride.

衣装有很多的自豪感。Westies have a lot of pride.

你的骄傲蒙蔽不了上帝!Your pride cannot blind God!

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存心忍耐的,胜过居心骄傲的。Patience is better than pride.

喜欢你才为你褪去所有的傲气。Love you as you fade all pride.

戴维骄傲情绪大增。David's heart soared with pride.

他的骄傲使他垮台了。His pride procured his downfall.

你的话也许会伤她的自尊。Your words may injure her pride.

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他朦胧的眼中闪出骄傲的光芒。He flashed pride from filmy eyes.

他体验了一阵不塌实的自豪感。He had a spasm of doubtful pride.

一朵小红花的骄傲英文是什么?。The pride of a little red flower.