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我相信他们会记住父亲,儿子对男人间的差距体会得更为深刻了。My son feels the man-sized gap more acutely.

先前他亮显地妒忌我的胜利。Previously he was acutely appetent of my success.

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急性水肿性梗死组织可形成团块效应。The acutely edematous infarcted tissue may produce a mass effect.

一个女人会感受到这个的,尤其是在社交圈的情境下。A woman will feel this especially acutely in a social circle situation.

我尖锐而坚决反驳默默的通勤者的野蛮的迫害。I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.

但是极端天气事件的影响将是突发的,让人感受强烈的。But the effects of extreme weather events will be abrupt and acutely felt.

我尖锐和坚决地反驳了对无声的通勤者的残忍的迫害。I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute com muter.

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他们清醒地知道日本人在满洲里和山东的所作所为。They realize acutely what the Japanese have done in Manchuria and Shantung.

该病主要表现为咳嗽、呼吸困难、急性死亡。When the disease occure, the caprine shows cough, dyspnoea and die acutely.

美国的建国先贤深知宗教自由的重要性。America’s founders acutely were aware of the importance of religious freedom.

当地人非常清楚气候变化是如何改变动物行为的。Local people are acutely aware of how the weather is changing animal behaviour.

聆听这些被收养孩子的不幸故事,实在是一种锥心之痛。Reading some of these unhappy accounts by adopted children was acutely painful.

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他们很在意自己,生活的环境。They are acutely conscious of the circumstances in which they live their lives.

Fauci告诉我政府其实认识到了问题的严重性。Fauci told me that the government is acutely aware of the severity of the problem.

这项练习还可以使你敏锐的觉察到左右腿之间的细微差别。It also makes you acutely aware of any DIFFERENCES between your right leg and left leg.

她很敏锐地意识到自己内心状态和公众行为之间的不同。She is acutely aware of the discrepancy between her inner state and her public demeanor.

他们觉得不舒服,尴尬,抵触,承受巨大的压力。They felt acutely uncomfortable, embarrassed, conflicted, under a huge amount of stress.

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我们下午离开的时候,我突然意识到我们此行幸运地完成了这次访问。When we left that afternoon, we were acutely aware of how lucky we were to be able to do so.

和人们的想象刚好相反,绫波丽对周遭发生的事情其实相当敏感。Contrary to what people might think, Ayanami Rei was acutely of what was going on around her.

因此,作为一个群体,患急病老年人不自然的候选人DGH绕过了。Therefore, as a group, acutely ill older people are not natural candidates to bypass the DGH.