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于是,老板们觉得开低薪水也照样能请到人。So employers feel they can get away with lowball offers.

我在哪里可以免费看电影在线虚报低价全流?Where can I watch Lowball movie online free full stream?

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如果你真的想要一份工作,但是雇主向你虚报低价怎么办?What if you really want a job, but the employer makes you a lowball offer?

即使车行知道车子能卖出去,但也会将价格报的很低。People are going to lowball the owner on price even if they do get a buyer.

再等一个超低价,那么,甚至潜力就会很大。Make a lowball offer and, again, you'll leave plenty of room for appreciation.

员工受不了各种苛刻条件,想跳槽,可能的未来雇主又压低起薪。Employees are sick and tired of tough conditions and lowball offers from prospective employers.

那些爱发牢骚的人就认为他们在和一些通过虚拟报价赢得工作任务的人竞争。Grumblers complain that they're competing with offshore workers who give lowball figures to win assignments.

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很多人议论,官方数据在通货膨胀率统计上作假,这同样令人吃惊。But it's striking how many people you meet in Beijing who say official statistics lowball the true inflation rate.

美国满足了带着削减排放保证参加哥本哈根峰会的最低要求,但是带来的是个虚报低价。America satisfied a minimum requirement of coming to Copenhagen with a defined pledge to cut emissions, but it was a lowball offer.

阮文秋怀疑中国企业通过过低的报价赢得建筑合同——报价过低意味着他们可能偷工减料,影响质量与安全。Thu says he suspects some Chinese companies have won construction contracts by submitting lowball bids, which could mean they are cutting corners, threatening quality and safety.