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密钥和密码算法的安全是密码卡的核心和关键。Cryptographic algorithm and key are the very important part of cryptogram technology.

串空间模型是一种新兴的密码协议形式化分析工具。Strand space model is a new formal analysis tool to the analysis of cryptogram protocol.

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地址码必须如分组密码方法那样,混淆在对TOD输入的变换过程之中。It is necessary to mix address code in transform process of input TOD as block cryptogram.

为什么萨克努姗不能把不可思议的发现隐藏在打乱的密码里呢?Why wouldn't Saknussemm have hidden an incredible invention behind this confusing cryptogram?

机密信息的密码化是保证信息安全的一种有效手段。Cryptogram programming of confidential information is an effective tool for ensuring information security.

加密卡是基于计算机总线接口的、提供密码服务功能的硬件模块。Cipher Card is a hardware module based on bus interface of computer and offering cryptogram service function.

本文介绍了密码学的基本概念,包括数论的基础知识和模运算的概念。In this thesis, the basic concepts of cryptogram including number theory and modular arithmetic are introduced.

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因此倍点运算的快速计算是椭圆曲线密码快速实现的关键。Therefore, the key of the efficient executing elliptic curve cryptogram is the efficient computing of multiple point.

高性能密码服务器提供了一个安全、高效的信息密码化平台。High performance cryptogram server provides a safe, highly effective platform of cryptogram programming of information.

文章综述信息安全技术,特别是密码技术的发展与应用。This paper summarizes the development and applications of information security technologies, especially the cryptogram technology.

根据加密密钥和解密密钥在性质上的差异,可以将密码体制分为对称密码和公钥密码两大类。In terms of the difference between encryption key and decryption key, it can divide into symmetry cryptogram and public key cryptogram.

VPN技术是利用有关密码学知识在开放的公共网络上建立虚拟专用网络的技术。VPN technology is a virtual private network technology which use the cryptogram knowledge in the establishment of open public networks.

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电子印章使用的时候,必须设置了校验密码,只有输入正确的PIN码才可以使用电子印章。The electronic seal is used in the condition of setting verification cryptogram and it can be used only by inputting the right PIN code.

软件及数据的保护措施应加强密码校验、权限控制、图形码技术和数据加密技术。Software and data's safeguard measure should strengthen cryptogram verify, purview control, graphics technique and data encrypt technique.

尽管安全技术涉及的范围十分广泛,但密码技术是各种安全技术的核心。The information security technology relates to a variety of areas, but the cryptogram technology is the core of all security technologies.

考虑到RSA是应用最广泛的公钥密码体制之一,首次基于RSA设计出一种群签名方案。Considering RSA is one of the most popular public key cryptogram algirithms, a new group signature scheme completely based on RSA is proposed.

由于单纯采用对称密码和公钥密码体制在信息安全方面有诸多不适之处,很难满足信息安全的要求。Because of the unsuitable of using only symmetry cryptogram or public key cryptogram, it could hardly fulfill the information security requirement.

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RSA公钥密码算法的基础是欧拉定理,它的安全性依赖于大素数因式分解的困难性。RSA Public Cryptogram algorithm is based on Theorem of Euler, whose security depends on the difficulty about the factor decomposed of great number.

数字签名不同于传统的手写签名方式,它是基于公钥密码体制,依据一定的密码算法构造而成的。The digital signature is different from traditional signature, it is based on public key cryptosystems and is constructed by cryptogram arithmetic.

在分析了RSA公钥加密系统和混沌加密各自的优点及其存在的安全问题的基础上,提出了一种新的分组双密密钥密码方案。In this paper, through analyzing the advantages and security of RSA encryption system and chaotic encrypt, a new grouping double-key cryptogram scheme is presented.