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所以,这种操作方法实际上很不方便。So it’s an inconvenient method.

这很麻烦但是很有效。This is inconvenient but effective.

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这可防止出现意外事件。This prevents inconvenient accidents.

你可以想象得到那是多么不方便吗?Can you imagine how inconvenient that is?

爱人们需要它来掩盖很不合宜的事故。Lovers need it to cover inconvenient accidents.

但是在某些情况下这不太方便。This can, however, be inconvenient in some cases.

有时,某人在你不方便的时候给你打电话。Sometimes, someone calls you at an inconvenient time.

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通过邮件分享和发送文件很不方便。Sharing or sending files via eMail is very inconvenient.

决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干。and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient.

但是,让我们先把这个让人难以接受的真相放一放。But let's put that inconvenient truth aside for the moment.

我想我们都同意变更是必然的,但又是不容易处理的。I think we all agree that change is necessary but inconvenient.

同样,如果订阅队列满员,就会很不方便。It is equally inconvenient if that subscription queue fills up.

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在这束耀眼的光焰里,罗西德似乎摇摆了一下身体。In its inconvenient brightness Rosedale seemed to waver a moment.

是的,今天进进出出的人很多,真不方便检查。Yes, many people today and out, really inconvenient for inspection.

但当这件事情不合时宜时,他选择对它忽略不计。Then he simply ignored this undertaking when it became inconvenient.

首先,你可能发现缺少的颜色编码的电线不方便。First, you may find the lack of color-coding of the wires inconvenient.

他说wm5运行太慢,问题太多,不好用,所以不浪费时间去改wm5了。IMHO it is just a waste of time. WM5 is too slow, buggy and inconvenient.

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本实用新型适合行走不便的病人使用。The utility model is applicable to patients who are inconvenient to walk.

纸钞是一种古老的技术,也是一种麻烦的的支付手段。Paper money is an ancient technology and an inconvenient means of payment.

我刚下个、飞机,带着行李不方便参观,请问能寄存吗?I just got off the plane. It's inconvenient to visit with my luggage .Can I