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从各个方向,风带来鲜红的花瓣,把它吹向湖面。Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake.

发白的嘴上有黑色斑纹的美洲。American grebe having a black-banded whitish bill.

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刚孵出的赤颈鸊鷉在妈妈羽翼的庇护下,惬意地打量着周围的一切。A newly hatched red-necked grebe relaxes, safe under mom's wing.

从各个方向,风带来鲜红的花瓣,把它吹向湖面。From all directions Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake.

1969年加利福尼亚海岸石油外漏,西部鸊鷉身披致命的原油外衣。A western grebe wears a fatal coat of oil from a spill off California in 1969.

小䴙䴘,圆圆笨笨的身体上长着黑褐色的羽毛,温顺地站着。The grebe had dark brown feathers on its round and cumbersome body and was standing docilely.

突然,我看到两只像鸊鷉的眼睛从树中间看着我,我知道那是一只吃人的老虎正在准备扑向我。Suddenly i saw two grebe eyes looking at me from among the trees . i knew it was a man eating tiger.

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本文介绍该地区小鸊鷉的生态情况,阐述了小鸊鷉成鸟的形态和生活习性,对雏鸟、卵和巢也作了描述。This article introduces the habits of little grebe in the place and describes fledglings, eggs and nests.

以前总是想有很多的钱花,现在还是在为这个目标奋斗,虽然嘴上假清高。Always think a lot of money to spend, now or in the struggle for this goal, although grebe false loftiness.

䴙䴘能够飞但是通常并不飞,除非是在试图躲避捕食者或者在冬天向南迁徙时。The grebe can fly but usually doesn't unless trying to avoid a predator or when migrating south in the winter.

矮个青年拿了一块大的啃了起来,只见他咬一口就有血水冒出来,另外那个小伙嘴上也红红的,他吃惊地张着嘴,看着地上的西瓜。Little youth took a piece of the big chewed up, see his bite have come out, and remove the other guy grebe also red, he was surprised to your mouth open, looking at the earth watermelon.

笔者在生态站见到了被救助的雕枭和小䴙䴘,它们被放置在两个箱子里,将送往北京市野生动物救护中心接受救治。Your correspondent say the rescued eagle owl and grebe at the eco-station. They had been put in two boxes and were to be sent to the Beijing Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre for treatment.