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公司正解雇移居国外的职员。Companies are pulling out expatriate staff.

大多数在西方的中国人远没有这样过的舒适。The lot of a Chinese expatriate in the West is less peachy.

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中国人对待安全的态度往往让那些老外们倒吸一口凉气。The Chinese attitude to safety often causes sharp intakes of expatriate breath.

流亡国外的南苏丹人也正在大批返乡。Expatriate South Sudanese are also coming home in droves after decades of civil war.

企业在全球化之后,愈來愈重视员工随时可以外派的移动能力。After enterprise globalizing , it focuses on the mobility of employees to expatriate.

所有面向海外侨胞团体广播均在哀悼期间暂停。Foreign broadcasts in expatriate communities were suspended for the days of mourning.

派外人员外向性对派外调适程度有显著正向影响。The effect of expatriate's extraversion on expatriate adjustment is significantly positive.

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在玻利维亚,慈济志工帮助一位台湾华侨,重拾健康和家庭之爱。In Bolivia, Tzu Chi volunteers help a Taiwanese expatriate rediscover health and family warmth.

今年迄今为止,中智向客户推荐的外籍高管数目与去年大致持平.So far this year, CIIC has recommended about the same number of expatriate executives to clients.

同样,外国公司也开始将派驻首都东京的非紧要人员撤离。Foreign companies, too, have begun flying nonessential expatriate staff out of the capital, Tokyo.

目前在香港居住的澳籍人士约有三万,香港因而是亚洲区内,最多澳籍人士聚居的地方。Around 30,000 people, the largest Australian expatriate community in Asia, are living in Hong Kong.

很多的游行参与者来自中国大陆,以及香港大批的移民海外的团体。Many of the parade participants came from mainland China and Hong Kong's large expatriate community.

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双语的教学团队体现了中外教师和学生之间的合作。Bi-lingual team-teaching exemplifies cooperation between Chinese and Expatriate teachers and students.

志盟置业是专为青岛的外籍人士提供专业的安家服务。We are focused on providing the expatriate community with the highest standards of relocation service.

“卡拉培特”,一位美国移民,是也很不错的牌手,但是一度极不走运,通常是老爹的搭档。Karapet', an Armenian expatriate and a fine player but the unluckiest one ever, usually Papa's partner.

港景汇豪华服务式套房酒店迎合外籍行政人员追求生活享受的需求。The HarbourView Place serviced suite hotel accommodates the aspiring lifestyle of expatriate executives.

他们最近把蒙多泰图客栈卖给了一个二十人左右的美国团体,继续由外国人经营着。They recently sold the place to a group of 20-something Americans, continuing the expatriate connection.

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他以为她是指她会去夜总会工作,在那里和外国石油工人们约会。He had assumed that she meant that she would start going to nightclubs and dating the expatriate oil workers.

从历史的层面说,东南亚华文文学的初期阶段基本上是以“侨民文学”的形式发展起来。Historically, South-East Asian literature in Chinese language emerged in the form of "expatriate literature".

通过使用澳洲方言进行沟通,一个流亡到国外的飞行员向我保证推进器“功能齐全”。Through static filled Aussie idiom, the expatriate pilot assures me that the propeller is ‘quite functional’.