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迦玛清真寺外的大广场Broad Square Outside Jama Masjid

“我们紧密合作,”服刑中的海盗贾马·阿卜杜拉希说。“We work together, ” said Jama Abdullahi, a jailed pirate.

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太不公平了,像贾马那样的坏蛋都被称作公民,你却——。It isn't fair that louts like Jama are called citizens, while you.

1906年,他在JAMA发表论文,报道了132例颈清扫术的经验。In 1906, he reported his experience with 132 neck dissections in JAMA.

去贾玛清真寺里面的宣礼塔,那里视线最开阔。Go to the minaret of Jama Masjid, you can have an open and wide view there.

亚菲教授的研究报告刊登在美国医学协会期刊上。Yaffe's study is published in the journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA.

据美国医学协会杂志刊出的论文指出,这种继续筛查的理由各式各样。The reasons for continued screening varied, according to the article published in JAMA.

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贾马汗的地产是位于印度库什山脚下的一小块地方,清理这些需要一段时间。IT TOOK a while to sort out Jama Khan's estate, a small plot at the foot of the Hindu Kush.

加美将继续为中国的客户提供更加出色的产品和服务。Canada Jama Group will continue to provide better products and services with Chinese customers.

我们设计的宗旨是,不封死将来针对其他扩展功能的路。It is our intent that the design of JAMA not preclude extension to some of these additional areas.

他私下里找到贾马单挑,并向他证明了拳头要比魔法剑来得迅猛。He had gone after Jama privately and demonstrated convincingly that the fist was swifter than the magic sword.

巨型清真寺能够感化大量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。Great Jama converts a sizable percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent.

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大型集市昌德尼乔克街和印度最大的清真寺贾玛清真寺在这座城市中拥有举足轻重的地位。It is dominated by the grand bazaar of Chandni Chowk and by the Jama Masjid which is the largest mosque in India.

所以,在贾马汗死后,他的土地休耕了30年,他的家人一直在他的继承权上争论不休。Andso Jama Khan 's land fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabblingoverhis inheritance allthewhile.

通常,男性穆斯林会于大清真寺参加周五主麻聚礼,倾听伊玛目宣讲布道,许多人甚至不惜长途跋涉至此。Each Friday, men of Islam are expected to attend the khutba sermon, typically held in a larger mosque known as a Jama.

本网站下载的jama实现只能作为参考实现。Reference Implementation. The implementation of JAMA downloadable from this site is meant to be a reference implementation only.

儿童内运行的贾马清真寺周围的楼宇后,在新德里,印度,星期五,2010年8月20日星期五下午祈祷。Children run around inside the premises of Jama mosque after Friday afternoon prayers in New Delhi, India, Friday, Aug. 20, 2010.

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当然我们也自知jama并不适用于所有用户,但对于日常的矩阵计算,我们相信还是会迎合大部分程序员的需求。While we are cognisant that JAMA will not be suitable for all users, we hope it to be useful to the majority of routine applications.

Jama博士最初与世卫组织合作是在1988年,当时他先后在索马里和吉布提担任初级卫生保健发展问题项目官员。Dr Jama first worked with WHO in 1988 when he was project officer for primary health care development, in Somalia and later in Djibouti.

这是8月12日在新德里历史悠久的清真寺门口拍到的照片,一位印度的穆斯林男子带着孩子在享用斋月后的第一顿美餐。Above, an Indian Muslim man and child break their fast on the first day of Ramadan at Jama Masjid, New Delhi's historic mosque on Aug. 12.