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回车。,GCC,,hi2。c,,enter。,好像工作了。GCC hi2 c It seems to work.

这样的话,你们将如何GCC它们呢?Well, how do you do this with GCC?

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我们可以在低平台上运行。GCC We start at this lower level with GCC.

注意,GCC使用一种特殊的安装程序安装。Now GCC was installed by a special installer.

我们接着通过键入“gcc,math1,c“来编译这个文件。So let's go ahead and compile this gcc math1.c.

警告一个GCC不支持特性但TCC忽略的。Warn about unsupported GCC features that are ignored by TCC.

我认为这是比介绍海合会范例文章足够了。I think it is more than enough for introductory gcc example post.

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好吧,我刚运行了一条GCC命令,然后我们得到了这一个,报错信息。But what I ran was GCC and then I get back this big error message.

sfinae和可见性检查铛与GCC与开发——这是正确的吗?SFINAE and visibility-checking in Clang vs. GCC vs. MSVC -- which is correct?

不过,这名官员说,这并不代表萨利赫拒绝了海合会的方案。However, the official said, this does not mean Saleh rejected the GCC program.

它现在有了一个可用的垃圾回收器,并已经被GCC核心所接受。It now has a working garbage collector, and has been accepted into the GCC core.

尤其是,使用非发布版本的海湾合作委员会引起了一些批评,即。In particular, the use of a non-released version of GCC caused some criticism, ie.

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GCC中非开放式编码的操作会用到一些别的库。The operations that are not open-coded use special library routines that come with GCC.

阿提亚秘书长表示,海湾合作委员会对与中国的良好合作关系感到满意。Al-Attiyah said that the GCC is satisfied with its sound cooperative relations with China.

我刚重新运行了make,或者GCC为我编译了代码,现在我得到了这些错误,好的,让我们看看。I just reran make or GCC does it for me, and now I've got all these errors. Well, let's see.

中方高度重视同海合会及其成员国的友好合作关系。China highly values its friendly relations of cooperation with the GCC and its member states.

可能是全世界最有名的编译器了,GCC,is,probably,the,most,popular,compiler,因为它历史悠久,而且很多软件都依附在GCC上。GCC in the world these days 'cause it's been around so long and a lot of tools are based on it.

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作为一个GNU项目,它可能在非专有芯片组上使用GCC进行更彻底的测试。Being a GNU project it is probably more thoroughly tested with GCC on non-proprietary chip sets.

至于装运从海湾合作委员会的国家或阿拉伯法定的城市起运,鉴定书不需要出具。For shipment from GCC countries or Arab country Legalization and authentication is not required.

海合会六国包括巴林、沙特阿拉伯、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国、阿曼和卡塔尔。The six GCC countries are Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Quatar.