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生命是一种稀有资源。Life is a scarce resource.

在沙漠里水是很难得到的。Water is scarce in the desert.

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连一颗星星也游不进去。That scarce could bathe a star.

缓缓而来的暮色也吥能。Which scarce the shade of coming even.

这种原料较缺。This kind of material is rather scarce.

这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。Food and fuel were scarce in this region.

译作是潜在的稀有商品。Translation is a potentially scarce item.

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去年他私藏了许多珍贵的物品。Last year he accumulated many scarce items.

当他们缺钱时就简单地以货易货。When money was scarce they simply bartered.

这是一种有效利用稀缺资源的方式吗?Is this an efficient use of scarce resources?

稀稀落落的枪声说明战斗结束了。The scarce shots spoke the end of the battle.

当糖缺乏时,糖价高涨。The price of sugar soars when sugar is scarce.

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网络文学作品版权不易保护。The network writers scarce copyright awareness.

他们是否会消耗掉地球上有限的资源?Will they consume the earth’s scarce resources?

食物被称重量意味食物稀少。Food being weighed means food has become scarce.

因为这些原因,所有的供给都比较紧张。Because of this, all types of supplies were scarce.

毛细胞非常稀少。Hair cells that are inside your brain are very scarce.

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这里都快干透了,太缺水了。The water is scarce and it is too dry here, " he said.

好的水果冬天难得见到,而且价格昂贵。E. G. 2 Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot.

你各处奔波以填饱你孩子的嘴,但食物却很少。You toil to fill the mouths of your, but food is scarce.