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摧毁他们!刺穿他们!Gut them! Impale them!

红鲻鱼收拾干净。Scale and gut the red mullets.

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钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。The fishing line is made of gut.

烧煮之前先把兔子的内脏取出。Gut the rabbit before you cook it.

他的嘴皮子捅的你肚子上的那个洞?His mouth put that hole in your gut?

可能最终是凭感觉。It could come down to a gut feeling.

她相信她的直觉和她的决定。She trusts her gut and her decision.

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减肥?,没问题。Some fat from your gut? Not a problem.

韦科事件之后,我决定根据自己的直觉来做决定。After Waco, I resolved to go with my gut.

啤酒肚会导致健康问题吗?Could a beer gut lead to health problems?

相信你的直觉,它往往相当的明智。Trust in your gut. It’s often quite wise.

那个凶手把受害者开肠剖肚?Didd the killer cut the victim's gut open?

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汤姆肚子上挨了一下,因为他惹了祸。Tom got a biff in the gut for his trouble.

不要相信你的直觉,胆量和预感。Don't trust your intuition, gut or hunches.

在某一刻,你的内心告诉自己得上路了。At some point, your gut tells you to launch.

不!我要的是松弛的肚皮和下垂的胸部!No, I want a flabby gut and saggy man-breasts.

造成这种肉麻我的直觉里面。Causing this, nauseating feeling inside my gut.

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这种情况有时称为“肠漏”。This condition is sometimes called a “leaky gut.”

西甲硅油就能把肠道里的气泡弄破。Simethicone helps break up gas bubbles in the gut.

你的直觉和胆识是你做任何决定时最好的指引。Your gut instinct is the best decision-making tool.