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抢匪辩称他是被迫去抢劫的。The robber pled that he was forced to do it.

他承认有罪,被判处五年徒刑。He pled guilty and received a five-year sentence.

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至此,他忍不住恳求耶和华彰显祂的慈爱。He interceded and pled for the Lord's mercy to be shown.

两个青少年都被判有罪,并被责令赔偿损失。Both teenagers pled guilty and were ordered to pay for the damage.

种植者可以在春天高丽参根部发芽之前种植。Growers can pled plant the roots during spring before they developed develop buds.

2003年11月5日里奇韦为自己48个严重的一级谋杀罪名请求。On November 5, 2003 Ridgway pled guilty to 48 counts of aggravated first degree murder.

一位在这宗案件中有犯罪嫌疑的被告同意出庭作证,指控维克,以获轻判。A defendant who pled guilty in the case has agreed to speak against Vick in court in return for a lesser sentence.

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同时,PLED制作工艺简单、成本低,使其显示出了强大的竞争力和巨大的市场前景。Moreover, PLED has simple fabrication process and low cost, which shows a promising market with strong competition.

望都县人民法院发表声明称,李启铭对酒后驾车和交通肇事致人死亡罪表示认罪。Li pled guilty to drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter, the People's Court in Wangdu County said in a statement.

波兰斯基在杰克-尼克尔森的家中和13岁的盖默发生性关系,并于次年在法庭上认罪。Polanski had sex with the13-year-oldGeimer at the home of Jack Nicholson, and pled guilty in court the following year.

审讯时,迈克尔没有辩护,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一级监狱里服刑。At the trial, Scofield pled no contest and requested to serve time in the Level One facility closest to his Chicago home.

望都县人民法院周日早上发表声明称,23岁的李启铭对其酒后驾驶和驾车过失杀人罪供认不讳。Li Qiming, 23, pled guilty to drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter, the People's Court in Wangdu County said in a statement Sunday morning.

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藉由此二系统的电化学性质而对此类化合物应用于电洞传导层,会有更深入的了解。We have further composed PLED devices about applying electropolymerization of these kinds of compounds as hole transporting layer on ITO glass.

本周,东莞市第一人民法院对在家中浴缸内溺死自己双胞胎脑瘫儿子的37岁母亲韩群凤进行公开审判。Han Qunfeng, a former white-collar worker in Dongguan, pled guilty to drowning her twin sons suffering from cerebral palsy in the bathtub at home.

这种方法不需要考虑光学干涉层和OLED或PLED材料之间功函数匹配,以及在溅射过程中对有机层的损伤等问题。The match of work functions of the light interference materials with those of OLED or PLED materials and the damages by sputtering deposition are avoided.

他在1997年对袭击他前女友的罪状选择不予辩护,之后他被要求参加一年的恶劣情绪控制课程作为缓刑的一部分。He had pled no contest in 1997 to assaulting his former girlfriend and was required to complete a one-year anger-management course as part of his probation.

同时期,外商在菲律宾直接投资额增加一倍以上,在印度增加三倍,在越南则飙涨了八倍以上。By contrast, foreign direct investment has more than doubled in this period in the Philippines, quintu- pled in India and soared more than eightfold in Vietnam.

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本文中制备的具有梯度结构的聚合物发光器件发出光的强度,比用旋涂法和真空喷雾法所制备的单纯高分子发光器件和混合结构的高分子发光器件更高。Compared to PLEDs composed of pure polymer or of blend active layers prepared by spin coating and vacuum spray methods, our PLED composed of gradient structure emitted brighter light.